June 1999 POTM Vote
Posted by Andy on 9 July 1999, 19:58 GMT
Tabulation Method The top three nominated programs in each category were taken as finalists except when too many programs tied for number of nominations. In that case, we made all nominations that tied finalists so that our number of finalists was not less than 3.
The comments below are written by ticalc.org visitors. Their views are not necessarily those of ticalc.org, and ticalc.org takes no responsibility for their content.
Re: June 1999 POTM Vote
Jean Canazzi
(Web Page)
In my opinion, this nomination system is not very usefull, it is just like if peoples voted twice. Is it really necessary to do that every month ? I think it 's quite annoying...
9 July 1999, 22:10 GMT

Re: Re: June 1999 POTM Vote
Eddie Hazell
I think the new way is better. Programs that most people like should be nominated by the people themselves, and not the staff...
Anyway, I got my TI-89 saturday at OfficeMax for $159! I think that's a good price... (now I'm gonna get flamed by people who probably paid 20 bucks less somewhere else) I'm giving my TI-86 to my girlfriend, since hers was school property and she had to give it back, but man I'm gonna miss it! I gave my 85 to my little sister when I got my 86, but that wasn't so painful since it was the same "platform". I also ordered the "new" TI-GRAPH LINK for Windows cable, since my grey one is messed up. I haven't seen it yet, but is the "new" supposed to be hooked to the unit-to-unit link, and then to the serial port? If so, that's a little strange... Anyway, when I start writing apps I'll post them in here... The only thing worth a look I've written so far is PB/86 (basic/misc section). Later!
12 July 1999, 20:21 GMT
Re: June 1999 POTM Vote
Wait a minute, how new is Mega Man 83ASM anyways? Is it a different version than D.Jackals? Becasue if it isn't that game shouldn't be on that list.
10 July 1999, 01:12 GMT
A Sad Observation
The Notorious Computerman
(Web Page)
Hey, folks! I'm on vacation in the green state of PA, and ~surprise~ I was able to get online for an hour or so today :-).
I've noticed a serious degrading in the integrity of the conversations here at TICalc. There is not a single constructive comment on this entire page!!! What is the TI community coming to? If this immature behavior continues to get worse, the "grown-up" [not necessarily in age, but in maturity] of us will begin to leave, and then the TI scene truly WILL "suck." It will be left to the losers and lamers like those who have posted above. [No offense intended towards the few people who have not flamed or cussed on this thread].
This is the first and last time I'll make a post here during my two-week vacation; the childishness really puts a damper on my mood, and after all, I AM on vacation.
~The Sadly Disappointed Computerman
President and Founder of CompuStarr
10 July 1999, 06:04 GMT
Re: June 1999 POTM Vote
Dan Weiss
Anybody notice that there were 7 TI89 basic progs, 1 TI82 basic prog, and 1 TI83 basic prog?
These seem a bit biased. Where's the 85/86?
10 July 1999, 06:54 GMT
Re: June 1999 POTM Vote
I have noticed that EVERY TIME potm is mentioned, there are 5/8+ flames or posts that BLATANTLY break the rules.
Everybody! LISTEN! "This feature has been abused a lot recently. Posting messages on this message board is a privilege, not a right. If this feature is abused, it will be revoked."
We don't want to lose comment boards because 15 *BAD* people start deliberately breaking the rules!
Just stop the nasty posts... mmkay!
10 July 1999, 06:57 GMT
Msg Board Needs Lamer Wipe.
Ed Fry
(Web Page)
I've about had it with this bull that keeps flowing on this thing. It's getting to the point where all the message boards are flame centers and garbage depots for the account of lamers.
Ticalc, Please consider forcing users to use a username and password to use this service, Preferably by using the voting username and password. All that would have to be added would be a register button on the left frame, a way to create/change the User name and password, and a way to add/edit information such as name, E-mail and URL so that when the username and password are used, it automatically fills in that information. This type of system will limit the message board to users that will (hopefully) not abuse the board to this point as well as giving you the opportunity to block out users who more often than not, Do abuse this board.
Go ahead, Flame this entry, prove my point that the above is needed. Of course, Constructive Criticisms are always welcome.
10 July 1999, 15:47 GMT
Re: Msg Board Needs Lamer Wipe.
Tip DS
Well, here's the problem with that type of system: Bogus accounts.
One of two things happen: TICALC requires authentication wich takes time and resources. i.e. They have to get physical address, phone number, etc. and verify that the person registering is really there. They also have to verify that this person is not currently "blackballed" because of previous bad behavior.
If not, then people flame, get booted, then re-register under a slightly different name and do it again. For example, "Tip DS" gets booted for bad conduct. After 5 minutes, "Tip DS2" is doing the same thing. Another 5 minutes go by and "Tip DS3" is flaming...
Yes, there are ways to automate the verification, but any automatic method of verification is easy to trick. Using old fashoned verification methods will take lots of manpower (I know the use of the term manpower is not PC, but I really don't care!!!!!!!!!) or it will be VERY slow.
Tip DS
10 July 1999, 20:32 GMT
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