Upgrade Successful
Posted by Kirk on 16 May 1999, 20:40 GMT
We have successfully upgraded our server from a 486 DX4-100 to a Pentium 200 MMX. The site should be noticeably speedier. We only encountered a few minor problems during the upgrade - such as having to break off the power switch to make the motherboard fit - but hey, we hardly ever turn the thing off anyway. We're already hard at work thinking up ways to saturate the new CPU!
The comments below are written by ticalc.org visitors. Their views are not necessarily those of ticalc.org, and ticalc.org takes no responsibility for their content.
Re: Upgrade Successful
16 May 1999, 20:46 GMT
Re: Upgrade Successful
Good job. The pages load a little faster at T1 speed. Did you just upgrade hardeware or change some software too?
16 May 1999, 20:50 GMT
Re: Upgrade Successful
MAN is this faster.....
16 May 1999, 22:39 GMT
Re: Upgrade Successful
gay excuse for news
17 May 1999, 00:29 GMT
Re: Upgrade Successful
What Software is ticalc.org currently using?
17 May 1999, 01:29 GMT
Re: Upgrade Successful
(Web Page)
Great job. I sure can feel the difference. Who cares how fast the computer is, the only thing that counts is how the server manipulates the files to reach us the user. Even though a Pent. 200 is kinda slow, if you fix that baby up with lotz of ram and other stuff...you dont even need a fast...top of the line pentium 3.
17 May 1999, 01:31 GMT
Re: Upgrade Successful
(Web Page)
I never thought that you guys had run off of a 486!!! :-) It seems just as smooth to me, cool though guys!
17 May 1999, 03:53 GMT
Yeah, Windoze2000....HA!
Great job, guys. I'm pretty sure I mean it, too. ANYway, all this gay computer talk between people who, by their comversation, know jack sh*t about them, just makes me fall out of my chair laughing. It's pointless. Think for a moment...if you're capable...
1.) What is a server going to use a 3dfx graphics card for anyway? They already said they hardly even use the monitor.
2.) Their internet connection does not run as fast as the processor. If it did, internet pages would load as quickly as files would load on your own computers.
3.) What good is Windows going to do if it's not stable? ticalc.org would not be visited as much, due to unplanned system downtimes caused by the server crashing. Of course, it's stable enough to run a home computer, and keep customers coming back for upgrades to even more unstable shell in the future. (Very, very clever, Bill Gates...) Linux has a history of being built from the ground up, without unnecessary backwards compatibility issues to be worked out. Thus, it is more stable. It also helps to be written by one guy, reducing the amount of miscommunication between various parts of the OS.
4.) A processor's clock speed is largely determined by the system bus speed, but also by the chip's architecture. Narrower data channels also make for slower speeds of data transfer. Generally speaking, different types of channel structure also affect the speed, as does the chipset. Thus, a PentiumII will be faster than a PentiumMMX running at the same speed, due to the II's more advanced architecture and chipset. (Kudos to Abe for making that clear above.) P.S.- Megahertz is abbreviated MHz, not mgz.
5.) Who said anything about Macs? (Pity goes to the fool who bought that...unless he's a collector.)
6.) And the quote is, "...if it's not Baroque, don't fix it!" -Beauty and the Beast, 1991
One last thing: I'm sorry if I came over as a little condescending, it just annoys me to see this kind of stuff. Other than that, I applaud ticalc.org for upgrading. The message boards seem to load faster, which is nice, if you're looking at the comments for SF2T.
17 May 1999, 05:02 GMT
Re: Yeah, Windoze2000....HA!
Shodan Zero
I agree. The bus, and chipset do make up for a lot of the speed. I have a p200mmx, and just upgraded to a K6-2 motherboard (I know, I know. I shouldn't have a Pentium original in a K6-2 motherboard, but I didn't have the money at the time to get a K6-2. :P ), and well, my machine zooms now. I'm even thinking about not getting the new processer (Yeah right! :P ) And no, I didn't add anything else. Just my same exact memory (2x16mb something nanosecond EDO ram), and harddrives (2x848mb IDE), and of course my wonderful crap vid card (Diamond Stealth 3D 2000 revision 1). Augh. I hate the thing, but at least I can use TS3 (a rendering prog) with D3D mode on faster than my bro, he's got a ATI xPert @ Play. I can't at all understand why tho. It was faster even when I had my old motherboard. Course, his looked cleaner since my old motherboard's chipset and my vid card fought (It put weird lines everywhere (including textures), and didn't even update the screen right when using 3d acceleration (it wouldn't update small lines about 10-20 pixels in length on the screen and looked REAL weird... Kinda freaky...). But, now I got my new motherboard, the lines are gone...but it's still faster than my bro's! Heh heh.
17 May 1999, 06:51 GMT
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