Planned System Downtime
Posted by Kirk on 13 May 1999, 02:46 GMT
There will be a planned system downtime on Friday 14 May 1999. There will probably be about one to two hours of downtime. It will most likely occur between 07:00 and 19:00 GMT. The downtime is necessary in order for the hardware to be upgraded. We are sorry for any inconvenience that this may cause.
The comments below are written by visitors. Their views are not necessarily those of, and takes no responsibility for their content.
Re: Planned System Downtime
terrence wong
Oh my god!! What am I going to do during those two hours??
13 May 1999, 03:06 GMT
upgrade? are you folks feeling okay?
(Web Page)
amazing! i didn't think you'd ever upgrade the poor old beast. makes me feel like i'm always working on my stuff.
what's it gonna be? all us hardware junkies were a little gyped by the spartan approach to information that you decided on. how 'bout some more info, heh?
IP (my god! there's a 3.8GB drive on my floor!)
13 May 1999, 03:32 GMT
Re: Planned System Downtime
Ross Werner
(Web Page)
Does this have anything to do with the fact that your server went AWOL Monday?
Ja - er, Ross
13 May 1999, 05:35 GMT
Concerning the System Downtime
The Notorious Computerman
(Web Page)
Hmm... finally, (comparatively) fast loading times at TICalc? Unbelievable! By the way, did anyone else have trouble logging on to TICalc or its hosted sites last night around 9pm PST? Maybe IE5 was just being screwy again... things act weird sometimes. I think it's because I've got a WinChip 240MHz and it's underclocked because my motherboard will only go up to 225. (I also have a 1Gb HDD, 24Mb RAM, an 8x CD-ROM and a 1Mb video card... TIME TO UPGRADE!!! Not that I have the money, being a high school student w/o a job...)
Since I've gone off already on an entirely irrelevant rant, I might as well add that my webpage got its 1000th hit today. (The counter was put up on Dec. 3, 1998). :^)
13 May 1999, 06:26 GMT
A moment of Silence
Kodi Mosley
(Web Page)
WoW. I didn't even know the TNT2 was out yet and can possibly run on a 486. :) Let us all know how it went when you get back.
Hey, anyone wanna buy a 486DX/33? It can host sites...
13 May 1999, 15:21 GMT

old hardware heaven
(Web Page)
<Hey, anyone wanna buy a 486DX/33? It can host sites...>
in that case, i've got, lesse, huh, 3 pentium motherboards and cpus, enough hd's to start a small web-based business, a couple of cdrom drives, oogles of 30-(and some 72-)pin ram, and 7 486-class mb's and 5 cpu's. and 2 286's and a 386.
do i hear $30? ]:-)
13 May 1999, 16:40 GMT
Re: old hardware heaven
The Notorious Computerman
(Web Page)
Hmm... that sounds like me about 2 years ago. I had XT, 286, and 386 parts galore, in addition to an Apple ][ that had recently died.
All through Middle School, I had this really cool souped-up 286 that I modified. It was a weird Compaq one that was huge like the old XT's, but had 2.5Mb RAM built into the motherboard. Compaq actually told me that my model didn't exist! Anyway, I added a 1Mb VGA card, a 16-bit SB clone, a 1x CD-ROM, 2 extra HDD's, a mouse, and a coprocessor. It also had a flight stick and a bass-boosted stereo speaker wired in where the PC buzzer should go. It rocked!!! [lapses into nostalgic memory...]
14 May 1999, 00:44 GMT
Re: Planned System Downtime
hmmm.... the last time you guys upgraded something, you were down for half a day....
don't screw up this time.
13 May 1999, 21:05 GMT
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