YAS v0.91 Released
Posted by Kirk on 3 May 1999, 23:57 GMT
Aaron Curtis has released Yet Another Shell (YAS) v0.91 for the TI-86. Although most features have remained static, one of the notable new features is TI-82 emulation. Many TI-82 programs may now be emulated after being converted on the computer. Most other changes were bug fixes, including better TI-85 emulation and better execution of BASIC programs.
The comments below are written by ticalc.org visitors. Their views are not necessarily those of ticalc.org, and ticalc.org takes no responsibility for their content.
Re: YAS v0.91 Released
(Web Page)
Hey I would just like to congratulate Aaron on the release. Congrats Aaron ;]
zapo. calc. org
4 May 1999, 00:14 GMT
Re: YAS v0.91 Released
Jeffrey Malone
(Web Page)
Hey, I have had a BETA for a while....All of you will REALLY love this new shell!!!
4 May 1999, 00:14 GMT
Re: YAS v0.91 Released
adam b
(Web Page)
So this means that the 86 can emulate both the 82 and the 85?
4 May 1999, 00:37 GMT
Re: YAS v0.91 Released
Me with nothing better to do
I think the news post was a little rude. "Although most of the features remain static" seems a little biased on Kirk's part because he is also a shell developer. I think a new sentece should replace that one.
4 May 1999, 01:00 GMT
Re: YAS v0.91 Released
Which is better ASE, Rascall, or new YAS, or Zap2000, I use ASE
4 May 1999, 01:06 GMT
Re: Re: YAS v0.91 Released
Jeffrey Malone
(Web Page)
The answer to that depends on what you use your calc for. If you want security, go with ZAP-2000, i has a great security program. If you want to emulate 82 games, go with YAS v.91 if you just want to emulate 85 games go with Rascall or YAS v.79, I really wouldn't use ASE, as it said on the news article, it is very prone to crashing. BTW, if you don't want any emulation try MSE, Emanon, ect. (there are a hell of a lot of them out there ;)
Jeffrey Malone
4 May 1999, 01:34 GMT

Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: YAS v0.91 Released
(Web Page)
While I finished up with testing YAS .79 and all 85ZShell/Usgard programs, I decided to take on Rascall v.9. I put off Rascall testing for my site, since a version with 83ASM emulation was in beta and I figured it would be released. This was back about a year ago.
//Vent Mode: ON//
Know what I discovered? It crashed like there was no tomorrow, and moreso, it was very picky on rom versions. I ran my TI-86 with JUST rascall, and the (85zshell) program testing and boom, crash. Myself with 1.2 got royally screwed repeatedly (you know, where you pull the batteries out for an hour?). The [ON] crash recovery rarely worked, if ever. Eventually, messing with Rascall more on Rom 1.3 and 1.4, I discovered it was as great of a shell as people talked about... Like stability.
//Vent Mode: OFF//
For YAS, it's been pretty consistent with roms 1.2, 1.3, 1.4 and 1.6 (through various 86 emulators). 82 Emulation further reiterates consistency. It either works on all rom versions, or it doesn't work at all.
Perhaps I could be wrong about Rascall and Rom 1.2 (it's been pretty hellish for my 1.6 friend as well), but from what I've gone through already, it's definitely not pretty, and all the people suggesting that Rascall was the super-stable shell have really dug root into me. Maybe everyone's just on 1.3 or something.
Sorry, stress buildup-
4 May 1999, 02:53 GMT

Re: Re: YAS v0.91 Released
Personally I like Rascall, because it has the best crash recovery I have ever seen, it has Memory Lock, which can fool people (most notably, teachers), and it has a decent security system.
However, I must say that Zap-2000 is cool, and I am looking forward to seeing it progress, because I think it has lots of potential.
Last, I haven't tried this new version of YAS, so I don't know about it, but when I tried it b4, I found that it crashed a lot...
--My 2 cents
P. S. ASE is OLD!
5 May 1999, 01:40 GMT
Re: YAS v0.91 Released
Josh Morris
(Web Page)
I would like to say that I think the Beta I have of Final Fantasy: The Calling now ::seems:: to work on YAS! That's nice to know! :) To see more on FF:TC (shameless plug) go to http://macross.calc.org! Thanks for your time, and Thanks for YAS, Aaron. :)
-Josh Morris, Macross Software
4 May 1999, 02:40 GMT
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