New Defiance screenshots released
Posted on 21 January 1999, 00:56 GMT
Adamman has released five new screenshots of Defiance, a 3D shooter for the TI-82. The final engine should feature grayscale, solid color floors, and sky textures. Visit the Defiance Website for more information and the latest news on the project.
The comments below are written by visitors. Their views are not necessarily those of, and takes no responsibility for their content.
Re: New Defiance screenshots released
Ti sucks casio is better a lot better ha ha i need some viruses for The Ti calculator what should i search under.
11 May 1999, 05:14 GMT
Re: New Defiance screenshots released
Is this going to be available for the 83 anytime soon? I've been looking for something like this for a while!
21 January 1999, 01:16 GMT
Re: New Defiance screenshots released
(Web Page)
Does the 82 version work on the 83?
21 January 1999, 02:32 GMT
Re: Re: Re: Re: New Defiance screenshots released
Dan E
Well then...
I don't understand why you have the need to make comments like this. I mean, the 89 and 92 *are* more powerfull than the 82/83, but does that mean that everyone should just stop programming for the 82/83? Should they throw out there old calculators and go buy new ones every time a new model comes out? I don't know about you, but I don't have the money for everything I want. I wouldn't have a 200 mhz computer if I had enough money to buy a new 450 mhz. I would have an 89, I would have all the nintendo 64 games I want, I would have a color laser printer. But I don't have enough money to get everything I want, so I'm stuck with what I have. I'd really appreciate it if instead of telling me that I should just give up because me/my technology is obsolete (which of course it isn't...) you could keep your annoying comments to yourself. (Oh, and I suppose that you have a xeon 450 mhz computer with a dvd ram and color laser printer, because you wouldn't screw around with things that aren't the best)
Leave me alone, I like my 83 just fine thank you,
21 January 1999, 21:48 GMT
Re: Re: Re: Re: New Defiance screenshots released
Dimagus Demorath
Just one note, Cardboard box, that must be what your brain is made out of. Just because a calculator has a higher # and more memory doesn't mean it's better. Most of the calcs are specialized for certain functions, and that includes the 82 and 83. Currently I have an 83, 86, and 89, and I think all are equal. 89 is good with some applications and simplifying radicals (Which Cymbol does on the 86 too ;) and the 83 has been out longer than the rest so has more useful programs. I totally agree with Dan E, just because some people don't have the latest model doesn't mean they aren't in the cutting edge of technology or too "cheap" to get a new one. I just happen to be lucky to have parents that foot the bill for everything. If you really wanted to you can make some games on the 82 that are WAY better than the ones on 89. The only difference would be the smaller screen size (less pixels). So stop your high number calculator worship, shut up, go back to kindergarden, and bother someone else.
22 January 1999, 01:50 GMT
Re: New Defiance screenshots released
(Web Page)
No porting has been planned yet. If you would like to port it to another calculator, email me (AFTER the game is finished) and I'll see what I can do.
21 January 1999, 02:40 GMT
Re: New Defiance screenshots released
I too, would like to see a port to the Ti-83. And I also was looking for a game like this. I've played Deadalus on the Ti-85, and it's great. I hope this turns out just as good or even better. (Even though the 83&82's capacities for such programs is limited)
21 January 1999, 04:13 GMT
Re: New Defiance screenshots released
I would love to have this game on my 83.
21 January 1999, 05:40 GMT
it''s for the 82 people
listen to me. i know all you people out there with 83's are eager as hell to get Defiance, it's for the _82_ at the moment. if the author want's to port it later to the 83, that's his business. somebody spends a rediculous amount of time on an engine and they don't need people demanding it be ported out. give the guy a break. this goes for all the "when's it gonna be ported" posts that have been clogging up the comment section here.
please stop.
thank you.
21 January 1999, 08:22 GMT
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