Preview of Yoshi
Posted on 8 December 1998, 12:22 GMT
Brandon Sterner and Tim Anderson, members of TCPA (TI Calculator Programming Alliance), are currently developing Yoshi for the TI-83 (SOS). This is a clone of the popular Gameboy game and should be released within the next couple of weeks. They are also developing two other games for the TI-83, Astroids and Centipede.
The comments below are written by visitors. Their views are not necessarily those of, and takes no responsibility for their content.
Re: Preview of Yoshi
you should be able to download it i want it
3 May 1999, 04:22 GMT
Re: Preview of Yoshi
|, how about if somebody does Yoshi's Island for one of the TI's? (Preferably the 86) :o)
8 December 1998, 12:30 GMT
Re: Preview of Yoshi
I think it is cool to have games coming out like that. I can't wait until they finish Asteroids and Centipede those are the classics baby. Well i wish i knew ASM cause then i could be making games like that too.
8 December 1998, 13:05 GMT
Re: Preview of Yoshi
Looks promising.
This could be ported to 85 too don't u think..?=)
8 December 1998, 13:46 GMT
Re: Preview of Yoshi
Alessandro Del-Piero
(Web Page)
Why are people trying so hard and make bad mind-games like that???
People want arcade games like mario and not boring RPG games or thinking games.
We think enough in the class, we want a moment of free instinct play!
8 December 1998, 14:05 GMT

Re: Re: Re: Preview of Yoshi
cZaR (the former XaVIëR)
(Web Page)
>Yeah, I agree with the pizzaman, and YO, who
>can play soccer without dope?
Listen. The best games out there are mind games, especially for the TI, because, if you think about it, TI can't do sound, or colour, so no matter what it's going to be fake. Also, of all the TI games I've played, none of them have given me a rush (like games like Quake and Descent have).
Oh- and I play soccer just fine without dope. :p
>I think the mindgames are just a dumbass
>waste of time, since the suckers who play
>those game are too dumb anyway.
OK Mr Smartypants. How do you beat the end level of Quake? Even badass games like Quake have mindboggling things to it.
By the way, aren't mind games for the SMART not the STUPID? Hello...
I'd value a good mind play over a 3d view anyday. Graphics don't add to games unless there's a very good game behind it. I wish this Yoshi rendition the best of success and I hope losers like you aren't put in charge.
cZaR, the former XaVIëR
8 December 1998, 19:37 GMT
Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Preview of Yoshi
Jeremy Halvorsen
exactly dave. everyone has their one preferences for games. and calculator games. i personally like mind games on the calculator because most of them are smaller, and all that. so they take up less room. i don't even wanna see a doom, or quake on the calculator. it mostl ikly would be huge, and be kinda slow like daedulas. its only a calculator. remember that. games like repton (i still love it, come on scabby bring out the new version), and slippy (another great game), and also squarez (not too too popular but i still think it rocks) are all great mind games. I feel that as you get up into the 92 and 89 it is good to do action games because those calcs can do faster, better stuff. but why make a long slow (realative to video games i mean), action game when you can make an enjoyable replayable mind game and have it not take up your whole calculator. While i like mind games better i am not trying to say taht they should only be made. all types of people like all types of games, so everyone make the games you like, and everyone play the games you want.
9 December 1998, 19:18 GMT
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