File archives hit 6,000 files
Posted on 2 November 1998, 03:12 GMT
The file archives have now amassed over 6,000 files and 1,100 screenshots. We are still working getting screenshots made for all the files in the archive. This may require hiring some additional staff in the future, however that decision will be made at a later point in time. Count on us to always have the very latest programs and games!
The comments below are written by visitors. Their views are not necessarily those of, and takes no responsibility for their content.
Re: File archives hit 6,000 files
I think it would be nice if the file descriptions had an optional link to a web page
5 November 1998, 00:10 GMT
Re: File archives hit 6,000 files
what the (bleep) is wrong with this string? did someone forget how to set margins--back to html school for you (j\k)
5 November 1998, 04:02 GMT
I want Simcity, but StarCraft is in the works :)
Terence Lindsey
Cool, but I'm still waiting for the final version of SimCity85 for the TI-85... come on, anyone know when the final version will be released??? Good news people: I'm working on StarCraft for the Ti-85... due to memory contraints (i'm expecting the game to be around 64KB, currently it's 20KB), I'm gonna move to the TI-86 instead. Maybe I'll buy an 86 new month :)
5 November 1998, 21:22 GMT

StarCraft on the 86
David Phillips
(Web Page)
No it wouldn't. It would be much, much easier on the 86. There is no 11k limit. You might be refering to the 11k limit that ASE and Rascall place on emulated 85/82 programs. But no such limit exists when programming.
The 86 has a special "_asm_exec_ram" area that is used for running assembly programs. When an assembly program is run, it is relocated to this 8k area and then run.
The 86 also has an entire (almost) 16k ram page that is just temporary memory for asm programming as well. The 85 has no such free memory, at least not when it is full of programs. The 86 has this ram even when you have 96k of data on the calculator (note that when the package says that it has 128k of ram, it is indeed correct, though only 96k is available to permanently store variables).
The 86's hardware allows it to have more ram than the 85 accessable at once. It would be possible to have almost 48k available to an asm program if the VAT and other data on ram page 7 (the last one) was relocated to another page, along with all the system vars on page 0 that are located before _asm_exec_ram. Of course, the stack would have to be moved as well, but it would be possible to have 48k of continuous memory to run an asm program.
That 32k (including all variables stored on the calc!) on the 85 is beginning to look a little small, isn't it? ;-)
10 November 1998, 00:50 GMT
Re: File archives hit 6,000 files
(Web Page)
Very interresting site.
6 November 1998, 09:30 GMT
Re: File archives hit 6,000 files
David Hall
(Web Page)
That's all very well but I think you should make it easier to upload files... how about an explorer interface like your archives have? Or one of those EZ upload scripts that Geocities have to upload files? Or an email address like Dimension TI? I know this may sound stupid but I don't like FTP much because I have to buy a FTP client... I'm trying to upload a file to TiCalc at the moment :(
7 November 1998, 19:41 GMT
is it just me or has this page not been updated in a while
7 November 1998, 23:21 GMT
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