Plain Jump v1.0 Released
Posted on 22 September 1998, 00:58 GMT
Sam Heald has ported Plain Jump, a game originally made for the TI-85 by Andreas Ess of Icarus Productions, to the TI-82 and TI-83. The game features fast 3D-graphics, a teacher key, a custom level, a high score function, and an on-calc level editor. However you can only have one custom level. External levels will be added after Ash 3.1 is released. Note: In case anyone is wondering why the game isn't called "Plane Jump", it's because Andreas looked up the wrong word in the dictionary. :)
The comments below are written by visitors. Their views are not necessarily those of, and takes no responsibility for their content.
Re: Plain Jump v1.0 Released
Jason K.
Hey, first I'd like to say that this is one of the greatest games Ive ever played!!! Ive used it on the 86 and was excited to hear it was out for the 82/83... :) The 83 version is working pretty damn good, but the 82 version really freaks up my calc. :\ I know that this is only the first release of it, and you were having problems with it just yesterday, so I've read on A82, but there are major problems with it... May it be because i have calc version 18.0? Well, I hope y'all work out the flaws soon, great job anyways!!! :)
22 September 1998, 01:43 GMT
Re: Plain Jump v1.0 Released
Jonathan Chum
(Web Page)
Hmmm. I thought Plain Jump was a clone off of the Hp48g series ported to the TI-85. It's similar to a game called Babal designed by French programmer on the Hp48, but the name has changed, and the 3d feel is not really feel that 3d on the TI-85. The ball jumps to far up and across.
22 September 1998, 02:57 GMT
Re: Plain Jump v1.0 Released
Brett b
First of all this is definitly one of the better games for the 83, actually it just rocks.
But there are a couple of bugs, as to be expected, sometimes right after the score on the game screen some extra letters, symbols, or numbers appear, i noticed this after playing ztetris and then playing plain (plane) jump for my 83
That bug that kills more lives than one is quite annoying!!!!!!
but besides that the game is one of the best!!!
22 September 1998, 16:05 GMT
Re: Plain Jump v1.0 Released
This is already a pretty good game, but I'd like to suggest the following:
- change the ratio of horiz.:vert. pixels, the lines look really bad and noticeably so, because they're on the screen all the time. Just because the lines have a certain slope in the 85/86 version doesn't mean they should be the same for the 82/83.
- use some of those physics equations we all know from school. The path of the ball should be _parabolic_ in the air. Also, the ball's velocity in the plane of the "paths" is unrealistic and annoying.
- the most obvious downside is losing multiple lives at certain points.
Apart from that, it is quite a fun game.
22 September 1998, 18:55 GMT

Re: Re: Plain Jump v1.0 Released
-I originally made the slopes steeper. In my opinion it looked worse. The 3-d look gets almost completely lost. If anyone has played the original Zshell version, then you know what I mean. The lines don't look that bad. But I am going to try to straighten them slightly in the next version. Unless, more people agree with you, the slopes will stay as is with possibly a slight improvement.
-The name is PlainJump. Emphasis on Plain. It is simple. The ball flies through the 3-d levels dodging the little holes. Realism is not the point. Just in case you do have a valid point though, please explain what you mean by unrealistic velocity and parabolic jumps cuz you lost me. Do you mean something like air resistence and friction?
-Well, in the betas I sent out, you lost pretty much every life each time you died. I have gotten the bug fixed so now you usually lose one, occasionally losing 2, and rarely at the very most 3. Would you rather I would waited another month to try and weed out this randomly occuring bug, which is the result of probably one line of code among 4000 other lines being slightly incorrect(odds are the problem is something along the lines of changing a "ld b,8" to "ld b,6))? I think not. All I can promise is that is will be fixed eventually. Maybe not today maybe not tomorrow. Probably not till October.
I'm glad you like other than it being ugly, unrealistic, and annoying. :)
22 September 1998, 22:26 GMT

Re: Re: Re: Plain Jump v1.0 Released
- I guess the lines don't look all that bad, as long as the game's moving along.
- Oh, I thought it was supposed to be called _Plane_ Jump, and the "Plane" only became a "Plain" due to a misunderstanding :). I can understand it being called Plane Jump, because it is essentially a 2d game, and you're just moving along in the plane of the paths. What I was getting at was that the path that the ball takes in the air is unrealistic; it should follow the curve of a parabola, given that there is a constant, downwards force due to gravity. Take a look at any "bouncing ball" program, you'll notice that the ball's path is not triangular, as is the path that PJ's ball follows. Although this isn't essential, it just makes the whole thing look more professional and it'd be very easy to do.
The other thing I mentioned was the acceleration of the ball. What happens in the game when you push the up or down keys is that the ball is given instantaneous velocity. What this means is that it experiences infinite acceleration; one instant it's still (or moving) the very next, it's moving (or still). This proves to cause more of a problem in terms of gameplay than the parabola thing, because it means that whenever you get to a nasty looking spot, you can just stop (instantly)and take your time planning how to get across. Essentially, the gameplay becomes trivial because you can just keep "leapfrogging" from platform to platform. If the player had to accelerate gradually to top speed, this problem would not occur. The ball would have to be travelling quickly to make some of the larger jumps, and therefore would take longer to slow to a halt, making such a tactic unfeasible.
- I can understand this. I am myself currently working on an asm program which is ~5000 lines so far. But you probably should still call this a beta if a fundamental part of it does not function correctly. (btw, in what way are you decreasing the player's life total that it would ever decrease by more than one? You're basically just loading a value from mem, dec-ing it, then putting it back, right?)
Thanks for putting the smiley there in your last comment. I think the game has great potential, it's just that as a "non-beta" release it could have been a little more polished.
Thank-you for replying.
23 September 1998, 17:04 GMT
Re: Plain Jump v1.0 Released
MERCK Geoffrey
First of all i'd like to say this is a very good job!... Thanks!...
The game really rocks, but i played the HP48 version and it as some pretty nice features:
- bouncing ball (this can be turned off)
- you can adjust the balls speed and the final score depends on the distance you've made and on your average speed...
But as i said before this game is really good and personally i don't care about the lines look!...
22 September 1998, 19:48 GMT
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