Connect Your TI-83 to the Internet
Posted on 20 September 1998, 01:47 GMT
Justin Karneges has released Telnet 83 v0.96 Beta for the TI-83. This program will allow you to connect to the Internet from your TI-83 and allow you to do IRC, e-mail, or browse the World Wide Web. You need a TI-Graph Link cable, an external 9600 modem, and a cellular phone or wall jack. Telnet 83 goes a step futher than FTerm, RTerm, and ZTerm by featuring an 80x25 scrolling "virtual" screen. This allows you to run programs for Linux such as Pine. For more information check out the Telnet 83 Home Page.
The comments below are written by visitors. Their views are not necessarily those of, and takes no responsibility for their content.
83 Net Access
Christian Mueller
(Web Page)
This is nice, but why would you want to do email, IRC, and newsgroups on a tiny ti-83 screen when you can do it on your computer? Don't say "portability" - you're not gonna haul around an external modem in your backpack. Pretty worthless in my opinion :).
22 September 1998, 21:15 GMT
Re: Connect Your TI-83 to the Internet
I think the idea of connecting the ti to the internet is cool. Can use this same program to connect to a BBS? Also, when can we expect a release date for other versions of the ti.
23 September 1998, 01:35 GMT
You need to make a port fot the 89
I would be happy if some one ported it to the 89. And can you use a 14.4 modem?
23 September 1998, 21:52 GMT
TI-85 Telnet
Will they make this program 4 ti-85??
26 September 1998, 18:06 GMT
Re: Connect Your TI-83 to the Internet
Miles Raymond
(Web Page)
Check out this URL:
<A HREF="">WindowsTI and TI-IE</A>
26 September 1998, 23:00 GMT
Re: Connect Your TI-83 to the Internet
Farkle Master
Will this work with a Mac modem? I have an X2 USRobotics modem and a Supra 28.8/14.4 modem. It would also be nice for this to work with a TI-86!
26 September 1998, 23:55 GMT
Re: Connect Your TI-83 to the Internet
The silent user
My school has a bunch of old 286's in the back of most class rooms and 9600 external modems plugged into each. I just plug the cable into my graph link between classes we have 10 min passing time and it only takes 3 to get anywhare so this is real cool
27 September 1998, 22:32 GMT
Re: Connect Your TI-83 to the Internet
TI-Calc Insane
Oh, man! if that relly works, you just HAVE to make a 86 version.
Here are my suggestions:
1)Enable it to connect to the IRC based chat servers
2) (If possible, I doubt it though) Enable it to connect and recieve games/progs from an internet site. I'm sure if this were possible, and someone actully made a program capable of doing it TI-CALC.ORG would make a section/interface for uploading/downloading stuff. And just so all you hecklers out there, I am aware that many of the games posted are zipped, I'm talking about a raw game.
Just think of it, you'd be able toupdate your games/progs on the run, without having to wait for your comp to start up. Man would that be great!
One question though, the screenshot says Gameservers. Is that possible on the calc?
That would be cool with Tetris.
Imagine this:
You log on, a chat screen pops up.
it is a real-time chat. REAL TIME.
you are able to chat about games, highscores, game development, teach asm programming (maybe), Challenge other people to a game of tetris, Maze 3D (that is if he makes it 2player), Descent (the upcoming game!).
It would be a pain to program, but it would be great! A meeting of all internet capable calcs on a chat type server.
Well, that's my two cents (yeah right, more like $9.50)
oh,well. Enough of my jabbering. I just hope this gives people ideas.
28 September 1998, 02:52 GMT
Re: Connect Your TI-83 to the Internet
I love you Justin :)
HEheheheheh... if i only had a TI-Graphlink... there are phone jacks all over my school... and i happen to have a usr 9600 modem just sitting here by my old puter... any one wnat to sell me a TI-Graphlink on the cheap? :)
1 October 1998, 23:24 GMT
Re: Connect Your TI-83 to the Internet
This is cool and all but I have an 86. Where can I get info on this Clem guys thing. I have a local account and I think it's Unix. How can I tell without calling them to ask. Can I dial up my isp with my terminal and type in a command, what command do I type.
Is this clem thing compatible with Rascal. It's the bomb. I love the mem-lock features and password.
That's all for now.
14 January 1999, 15:56 GMT
Re: Connect Your TI-83 to the Internet
C.A. (Houston)
I know this must be a repeated question, but what about trying to create something like that for the TI-92? It would turn it into a great simplified "labtop"!
1 February 1999, 23:25 GMT
The title explains it all. I've seen the screenshots... and wonder if win83 is actually coming... ALONG WITH ip83!!?? (that was a huge "sentence")
Congradulations to Justin on making such a great product. And wish him luck if he attempts the IP version...
14 February 1999, 20:40 GMT
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