3D Game in Development
Posted on 10 September 1998, 03:51 GMT
Adamman is developing a 3D game for the TI-82 called "3D Game" and is looking for a good name for it. The game will feature: - Grayscale graphics
- Non-orthogonal walls (not at 90 degrees of each other)
- "Constant-Z" texture mapping
Adamman has no plans for porting it to other calculators, however if someone wants to port it after the TI-82 version is released, send him an e-mail. A small demo should be released soon. For more information check out the 3D Game Home Page.
The comments below are written by ticalc.org visitors. Their views are not necessarily those of ticalc.org, and ticalc.org takes no responsibility for their content.
Re: 3D Game in Development
(Web Page)
You all suck
22 April 1999, 20:14 GMT
Re: 3D Game in Development
where can i pick up this game?
23 September 1999, 03:53 GMT
Re: 3D Game in Development
(Web Page)
Are there going to be guns and enemies???
10 September 1998, 04:50 GMT
Re: 3D Game in Development
Daren Ho
(Web Page)
I wonder if they're making an engine for it.
P.S. my website has nothing to do about TI calcs
10 September 1998, 05:06 GMT
Re: 3D Game in Development
Jake B
(Web Page)
Why for the 82?
10 September 1998, 06:02 GMT
Re: 3D Game in Development
(Web Page)
Um... Foxenstein. *chuckle*
10 September 1998, 06:19 GMT
Re: 3D Game in Development
What kind of greyscale routines did you have in mind? The ones I've seen have all been seriously slow, but if u have some speedy code, couldn't you share it with the rest of the ti82-comunity?
10 September 1998, 13:01 GMT
Re: 3D Game in Development
Leon Pierre
(Web Page)
I cant wait for an 86 version, I am sure it will be 10 times better than the 82 version!
11 September 1998, 00:50 GMT

Re: Re: Better optimized?
(Web Page)
OK Children, stop fighting. *LOL*
I am a faithful 82 user, and I have found a renowned interest in my 85 (which i still dislike the interface of) and I think that the 82 is better.
More power to Adamman!
I don't use assembly much, and most of my programming comes in BASIC, but I'll be the first to tell you that the 82 is just as widely used as the 85/86 and demands just as many kickass games as the blackbacks (85's and 86's).
I hope that we all can grow up a bit, and stop flaming each other.
When my graphlink arrives, I shall try out your 3d game, adamman, and, what would be really cool is something like Quake. :) Especially with deathmatch ability.
Please, guys and gals, stop dissing each other's calcs and focus on the topic at hand: This 3d game will kick major butt, and who knows- maybe someone else WILL port it to teh 85. :)
18 September 1998, 17:28 GMT
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