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MSE v5.0 Beta


Ranked as 1842 on our all-time top downloads list with 11773 downloads.
Ranked as 6149 on our top downloads list for the past seven days with 3 downloads.

Filename mse.zip (Download)
Title MSE v5.0 Beta
Description Now includes variable renaming, password protection, and a simple filesystem allowing for nested folders.
Author Chicane (chicane@reninet.com)
Category TI-86 Assembly Shells
File Size 30,342 bytes
File Date and Time Tue Nov 9 03:26:49 1999
Documentation Included? Yes
Source Code Included? Yes



Review by  Ryan Sheppard
Reviewed on 2004-11-22
Suitability: 9/10 Some bugs with hittingin BASIC.
Ease-Of-Use: 9/10 Easy except a few special things.
Overall: 10/10 Best Shell out there!

MiniShell Enhanced is the best shell I've seen out there. It has program renaming, password protection, extra sub folders, and many other features. This is a beta but it has no bugs and is better than any other shells out there, only thing missing-- emulation plug-in's=) Yet he says he is working on it for the next version.

The shell's use of plug-ins allows you to run BASIC, Asm, TextView files, and ZAC files with a click of a botton. It even has a plug-in to create sub folders so you can continue to organize your folders beyond the first 5. It looks good and supports descriptions, and descriptions of TextView files! Once you learn to control all the bottons it works great. The variable renaming works very well except sometimes the calculator will mess-up and work incorrectly. Once it locked up when made a sub folder named after a prgm i had on calc.

The shell looks very nice and doesn't waste much space showing useless information, allowing you to see even more programs at once. If the program name is too long and made of the right characters, it will display incorrectly. The password protection is good but it just seems strange to me.

This shell is the very best I've ever used, yet it still needs emulation.. I still have to have 2 shells(AShell for 85 emu). Yet overall this shell works very well.


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Archive Contents
Name Size
CODE/MSE-5.0/readme.txt   2308
CODE/MSE-5.0/DOCS/mbasDT.txt   840
CODE/MSE-5.0/DOCS/mtextDT.txt   1517
CODE/MSE-5.0/DOCS/folderDT.txt   524
CODE/MSE-5.0/DOCS/mzacDT.txt   2556
CODE/MSE-5.0/DOCS/masmDT.txt   839
CODE/MSE-5.0/SRC/mzacDT.asm   1682
CODE/MSE-5.0/SRC/mbasDT.asm   1354
CODE/MSE-5.0/SRC/mse.asm   36716
CODE/MSE-5.0/SRC/masmDT.asm   1044
CODE/MSE-5.0/SRC/folderDT.asm   1244
CODE/MSE-5.0/SRC/mtextDT.asm   1341
CODE/MSE-5.0/AUTHORS.txt   284
CODE/MSE-5.0/CHANGELOG.txt   1961
CODE/MSE-5.0/COPYING.txt   17989
CODE/MSE-5.0/BIN/mzacDT.86s   241
CODE/MSE-5.0/BIN/mbasDT.86s   195
CODE/MSE-5.0/BIN/mse.86p   3796
CODE/MSE-5.0/BIN/mtextDT.86s   187
CODE/MSE-5.0/BIN/masmDT.86s   173
CODE/MSE-5.0/BIN/folderDT.86s   166

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