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Ranked as 1134 on our all-time top downloads list with 15706 downloads.
Ranked as 8122 on our top downloads list for the past seven days with 1 downloads.

Filename clock.zip (Download)
Title Clock
Description Real Time Clock
Author Arie Benichou (arie.benichou@gmail.com)
Category TI-89 Assembly Misc. Programs (Kernel)
File Size 3,501 bytes
File Date and Time Wed Nov 10 17:25:56 1999
Documentation Included? Yes
Source Code Included? Yes



Review by  Ryan Aycock
Reviewed on 2004-11-22
Suitability: 1/10 Bad for long-range times.
Ease-Of-Use: 5/10 Easy enough to set. Hard to delete.
Overall: 3/10 Wastes batt. and causes mem errors

Clock v 1.00 for the TI-89 is a good idea, but has many problems that make this program one thing you should keep off of your calculator. After opening "clock" under Doors, a set of zeros will appear in the lower right-hand corner. You are then to use the up/down arrows to set the hours and the left/right arrows to set the minutes. This task seems easy enough - yet the controls are unresponsive sometimes. Pressing [ESC] ends the program and sets the time; it also causes Doors to unexpectantly quit with a memory error. And from now on you have clock installed on your calculator.

To remove clock, you must uninstall Doors or, using the more complicated method, clear your memory. Auto Power Down is disabled so the clock can run forever. When you turn the calculator off, the LCD is cleared and the calc actually stays on so the clock can keep its time. This is a huge waste of batteries.

The program isn't that good at keeping time, either. In a nine hour test, two and a half hours were lost. The joy of resetting the time every time I reuse my calculator isn't a job for me.

Arie Benichou's work is multitasking, however. You can run other programs only to come back and see the clock still keeping time. This timer is good at keeping short-range intervals, too. Games could benefit from the use of a clock program. Classics such as chess and diamonds could now keep track of the number of seconds each move takes.

When it comes down to making the decision of whether or not you should get the clock, I suggest you should take the money you saved on batteries by not getting this program and buy a watch. Though the program itself isn't that good, it's source-released features (multitasking and timing) will soon be used in many other projects.


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Archive Contents
Name Size
clock.89z   1411
clock.txt   1364
clock.asm   7637

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