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Game Genie v1.1.07


Ranked as 1600 on our all-time top downloads list with 12798 downloads.
Ranked as 18485 on our top downloads list for the past seven days with 1 downloads.

Filename gg.zip (Download)
Title Game Genie v1.1.07
Description Game Genie is a program that allows you to "cheat" your favorite TI-86 games. There are currently 7 Game Genies included.
Author Ricky Wallace (compwiz1@usa.net)
Category TI-86 Assembly Games
File Size 4,436 bytes
File Date and Time Sun Dec 5 22:54:31 1999
Documentation Included? Yes
Source Code Included? No



Review by  Jeoffri Davis
Reviewed on 2004-11-22
Suitability: 7/10 Good for beginner game players.
Ease-Of-Use: 8/10 Easy menus, and self-explanatory.
Overall: 8/10 Awesome program! Does its job.

Game Genie, by Ricky Wallace, has the same purpose as the good old Game Genie for NES; to help you win through cheating. The program comes with 7 codes, which are stored on your calculator as strings.

Supported Games: Although there are 7 codes, Game Genie only supports 5 games; Baseball 99 v0.6, Mario 86 v0.91, SQRXZ v1.0 , Three Point Shootout v1.0, and Vertigo v0.94. (Most of these games will later be discussed in this review.)

How it looks: The screen is very self explanatory and it has a nice heading at the top with two genie lamps at the left and right of the screen. However, when you're choosing a code, you never know how many codes there are above the code you are currently choosing, or below. That gets a little aggravating and confusing sometimes even though there are only 7 codes.

Selecting a code: In order to select a code and use it, you must first have the game on your calculator. Game Genie does not include the games it supports in its zip file. You must download them yourself. If you do not have the game installed, you can still view a description of what the code does, and what game it is for.

When selecting a code, you will see a box in the middle-left of the screen displaying the string name of the code you are selecting. To the right of that box is another one, showing what game the code is for. Below those two boxes is another giving you a description of how the code will help you.

The codes!: Are those games just too hard? Are you so tired of losing you're hovering over your 86 with a mallot in your hands? Well hold on because help is on the way!

I have tested the codes for Mario 86, SQRXZ, and TPS (Three Point Shootout). The Mario codes work just fine, I never made it far enough to test the "Impossible to drown" code for SQRXZ (I know, I'm pretty sad at that game.) but the "Start off with 10 lives" code worked perfectly, and the TPS code worked well, but when the ball went towards the goal, a second ball would appear on the screen. Some people might not care about that, but I know it really made me frustrated.

The Mario codes come in handy if you ever download the extra hard levels found in the TI 86 Assembly Games (Levels) section and in the review section! Without the 10 lives, I would have never beat the extra levels I added to my 86! :)

The "Impossible to Drown" code for SQRXZ, like I said before, I couldn't test because I couldn't make it very far. The "10 lives" code work correctly though.

Game Genie is a must have for any beginners like me. I need all the cheats I can get to help me beat SQRXZ!

See 1 more reviews


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Archive Contents
Name Size
ggbball.86s   137
ggmario.86s   130
ggsqrx2.86s   130
ggsqrxz.86s   130
ggtps.86s   131
ggvert.86s   124
ggvert2.86s   113
readme.txt   3607
gg.86p   1376

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