Labyrinth v1.0
Ranked as 1071 on our all-time top downloads list with 16143 downloads. Ranked as 330 on our top rated list with a weighted average of 8.12.
Review by
Greg Anderson
Reviewed on
Attention span: 8/10 Random, difficult mazes. Saving Controls: 9/10 Simple arrow movement Implementation: 6/10 Scrolling causes visual problems Overall: 8/10 Fun maze game
Labyrinth is a challenging game where you navigate a square through a maze. Each level has its own unique graphical style which determines the dificulty of the level. The first levels are easy because the boundaries of the paths are clearly defined. In later levels, the pattern becomes more confusing. It eventually becomes very difficult to discern an opening from a solid wall. Each maze is randomly generated, and this increases replay value immensely. The game also features an "antimaze" feature, where you travel through walls instead of the open areas, which you can not travel through. This option, however, is insanely hard (I can't even pass the first level).
The game is designed very well, but it also has some unique problems. The controls are fine; just use the arrow keys to move the square. If you quit, the game saves which level you are currently on, although you cannot return to a previous difficulty without erasing your save. The mazes do not fit on the 83+ screen, so a scrolling feature had to be added. This is fine on the early levels, but when the graphics make the path harder to see, the scrolling shifts the entire screen and makes it difficult to keep track of your current position relative to the rest of the maze. This is extremely frustrating. A manual scrolling feature would help a lot.
While the scrolling feature is annoying, Labyrinth is still a fun maze game with a high replay value thanks to random mazes and saving. |
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Archive Contents
LABYRNTH.83P | 3759 |
labyrnth.8xp | 3761 |
Labyrnth.z80 | 34638 |