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BomberBoy v1.2


Ranked as 320 on our all-time top downloads list with 34311 downloads.
Ranked as 8122 on our top downloads list for the past seven days with 1 downloads.

Filename bomber.zip (Download)
Title BomberBoy v1.2
Description Bomber 89 v1.2
Author Grent Jones (gj_bomber89@hotmail.com)
Category TI-89 Assembly Games (Kernel)
File Size 150,907 bytes
File Date and Time Tue Apr 4 01:06:11 2000
Documentation Included? Yes
Source Code Included? Yes



Review by  Adam Palmer
Reviewed on 2004-11-22
Attention span: 10/10 Graphics caught my eye.
Controls: 9/10 A little slow, faster w/powerup.
Implementation: 7/10 It's waaaaay to big!!!
Overall: 10/10 Competition for BigDyna.

After the 2 minutes it took to upload to my calculator, I was pleasantly surprised. Don't get me wrong, but the game is by far the biggest thing out there other than Street Fighter (which, by the way, they need to fix for ROM 2.03). I mean it. The 5 files the game requires cannot be archived and they are all huge. Total space requirements add up to almost 110 kb!!! This would only be rediculous if the game sucked, which it doesn't.

The game itself blew me away. The graphics are a tiny bit slower than most games, but it's easy to see why. Every single detail in the game stands out. The game image itself jumps off the screen in an almost 3D fasion. Gameplay itself is great as there are many powerups, enemies, and levels. It even features save game and high scores. This is a truly great bomberman clone.

Well, it seems as if the BigDyna vs BomberBoy battle has come to a steep precipice. The only question is, who's going to fall in. BomberBoy is good, because of it's massive graphics at the cost of A LOT of memory. BigDyna is an all around good game with decent graphics and requires a little bit of space at the cost of minor details such as save game and high scores.

See 1 more reviews


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Archive Contents
Name Size
bomber89.89z   34155
xexp_proc.asm   8329
vexp_proc.asm   9667
variables.asm   11169
sprites.asm   31227
sprite_proc.asm   18156
sprite_lib.asm   65928
scroll.asm   6762
options.asm   3048
mine_proc.asm   8888
macros.asm   11014
high_score_lib.asm   23637
hexp_proc.asm   9628
enemy5_proc.asm   57466
enemy4_proc.asm   43933
enemy3_proc.asm   37140
enemy2_proc.asm   22345
enemy1_proc.asm   15432
enemy.asm   14861
collisions.asm   54065
bonus_proc.asm   23311
bomberd4.asm   3397
bomberd3.asm   3037
bomberd2.asm   23977
bomberd1.asm   108967
bomber89.asm   46220
bomb_proc.asm   12526
board.asm   8671
bexp_proc.asm   3592
about.asm   7163
bomberd4.89z   11919
bomberd3.89z   23831
bomberd2.89z   21963
bomberd1.89z   16983
overview.txt   5538
shot9.bmp   48054
shot8.bmp   48054
shot7.bmp   48054
shot6.bmp   48054
shot5.bmp   48054
shot4.bmp   48054
shot1.bmp   48054
shot2.bmp   48054
shot3.bmp   48054

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