Peaworm v0.9
Ranked as 3245 on our all-time top downloads list with 8700 downloads.
Review by
Sam Heald
Reviewed on
Attention span: 7/10 It's Nibbles Controls: 10/10 Cooler than the other Nibbles games Implementation: 6/10 Many features are missing like LEVELS! Overall: 7/10 A good game at a great size, I really hope the author takes the time to improve upon this.
A new Nibbles-clone, this time written by Matthew Shepcar of Icarus Productions!
This game takes a new interesting twist on this tired genre of games. Instead of the standard 4 directional movement, Peaworm opts for a total control steering. The directional keys will alter the slopes of the your snake's "line". In this fashion, turns must be planned significantly in advance because it takes several pixels of movement before the snake will make a complete reversal in movement. I like the new controls because it adds a great amount of challenge.
Unfortunately, this game is still in the beta stage. At this point, this game is very "bare bones" in its features. Hopefully, the author will add many of the features commonly found in a good Nibbles game.
What's missing? A speed changer would be helpful. Multiple levels where ten pellets will increase your level would be greatly appreciated. An initial keeper for the highscore would be nice as well.
Right now, this game is a keeper on your calculator if not only for the meager ~700 bytes it takes up. With only one level, it gets boring fairly quickly. A highscore ~20 is probably the best you will be able to do. |
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Archive Contents
WORM.ASM | 4871 |
WORM.86P | 778 |
WORM.TXT | 1075 |