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Ranked as 1409 on our all-time top downloads list with 13706 downloads.
Ranked as 8993 on our top downloads list for the past seven days with 2 downloads.

Filename downout.zip (Download)
Title Down&Out
Description Fly your plane and shoot enemies. Inside cockpit view, follow your enemy plane and shoot him down while conserving fuel and ammo. The more fuel and ammo you have left the more points you get. This is probably one of the best TI-BASIC games you will see for the TI-89.
Author TurboSoft (turbosoft@gmx.net)
Category TI-89 BASIC Games (Arcade/Shooters)
File Size 2,087 bytes
File Date and Time Sat Oct 3 23:09:26 1998
Documentation Included? Yes



Review by  Ben Kimmett
Reviewed on 2007-02-02
Down&Out is a simple shoot-down-the-enemy-plane game. I think it is a nice little game, not quite addictive, but nice nonetheless.

Gameplay: 7/10

It's not got much, but what it does have is good! This game caught my attention for the fun gameplay. Only thing I thought was a little bit odd: shouldn't the other guy be shooting at you?

Graphics: 8/10

The graphics were nice-looking and detailed. The game is realtively fast with them, and although some of them were a bit line-drawing-y, the graphics are nice enough to draw attention.

Speed: 8/10

This game runs at quite a good speed. I did not have to wait at all, and I was able to keep getting shots at the enemy plane as it whizzed past my windshield.

Replayability: 4/10

While the game is basically the same, there are some things that add depth to it. For one thing, there's a high score slot, so you keep coming back to try to beat it. For another, you can turn your view left and right--but doing so takes fuel, which is tallied up in the high scores!

Style: 7/10

The game did look pretty cool. While the opening screen is just a standard dialog box, the game itself more than makes up for that.

Ease of Use: 6/10

The game was easy to use, but I had a few beefs. For one thing, there's no manual, so I had to figure out the controls myself (Left and Right arrows rotate your view; Up arrow fires). Also, when quitting, it changed my current folder to MAIN, even though I had switched to the DOWNNOUT folder fefore running it. It found this a bit puzzling when I went to play again.

Gut Intuition: 7/10

The dialog box that is the main menu of this game gave no hint of what was inside, but I'm glad I kept going. I think this game is quite a nice little game. Not quite at the level of addictive, but a nice little game still.

FINAL SCORE: 6.7142857/10

If I had to say what could be done to make this game better, I would say

1) Make the other plane shoot at you!

Other than that, you've got nothing to worry about!


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