[Ash 3.0+] Plain Jump v1.0
Ranked as 3935 on our all-time top downloads list with 7949 downloads. Ranked as 1545 on our top downloads list for the past seven days with 7 downloads.
Review by
Rodney Blythe
Reviewed on
Overall Rating-10/10 Outstanding (A rare rating!) ----------------------------- Gameplay-10/10 Outstanding Graphics-9/10 Superb Speed-10/10 Outstanding ----------------------------- "Plain Jump" is a very high speed arcade-like game. The graphics are superb, as seen in the animated screenshot above. The balls animations, in particular, make for a very 3D feel in this game as well. The speed of the game is never an issue. As though this game wasn't good enough already, it has a level editor so that the fun never ends! I find this feature very fascinating, because it allows for the easy creation of new levels for the game. "Plain Jump" is, and will forever remain, a classic calculator game. Download it now! Have Fun and Happy Downloading! |
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