[Ash 3.0+] Plain Jump v1.0
Ranked as 3961 on our all-time top downloads list with 7886 downloads. Ranked as 324 on our top downloads list for the past seven days with 20 downloads.
Review by
Rodney Blythe
Reviewed on
Overall Rating-10/10 Outstanding (A rare rating!) ----------------------------- Gameplay-10/10 Outstanding Graphics-9/10 Superb Speed-10/10 Outstanding ----------------------------- "Plain Jump" is a very high speed arcade-like game. The graphics are superb, as seen in the animated screenshot above. The balls animations, in particular, make for a very 3D feel in this game as well. The speed of the game is never an issue. As though this game wasn't good enough already, it has a level editor so that the fun never ends! I find this feature very fascinating, because it allows for the easy creation of new levels for the game. "Plain Jump" is, and will forever remain, a classic calculator game. Download it now! Have Fun and Happy Downloading! |
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