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Boom! v1.0


Ranked as 2524 on our all-time top downloads list with 9889 downloads.

Filename boom.zip (Download)
Title Boom! v1.0
Description A crazy game where you must catch bombs thrown over a wall by some crazy man. You have three buckets to use. And everytime you miss you lose a bucket.
Author Bruce Herr 2 (herrs@hsonline.net)
Category TI-86 Assembly Games
File Size 9,872 bytes
File Date and Time Wed Aug 12 01:20:07 1998
Documentation Included? Yes
Source Code Included? Yes



Review by  JV
Reviewed on 2004-11-20
Attention span: 7/10 Gets faster as you progress.
Controls: 8/10 What could be better?
Implementation: 7/10 Simple but fast graphics.
Overall: 7/10 Good game, some replay value.

Boom is a simple game where the player must catch falling bombs thrown by a character on top of the screen. The character moves across the screen in seemingly randon locations as the player moves a bucket trying to catch the falling bombs. This goes on until a player has run out of buckets to catch the bombs. If a player should fail to catch one of the bombs, he loses a bucket.

The game's graphics are simple. Normally I would complain about it, but the speed at which things move in this game, any increase in graphics would have slowed it down considerably. The game is somewhat entertaining, and has some replay value. There is a sense of increase of speed as the levels pass, which gives some additional replay value. In conclusion, I would recommend this game to someone who likes games that have no end whatsoever (i.e. Tetris) and have a lot of time on their hands (just in case they get really good at this game).

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Archive Contents
Name Size
Boom.86p   2415
Boom.asm   32678
BOOM.TXT   1593

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