[Usgard 1.5+] Picross v1.1
Ranked as 7712 on our all-time top downloads list with 5626 downloads. Ranked as 7206 on our top downloads list for the past seven days with 1 downloads.
Review by
Sam Heald
Reviewed on
Attention span: 7/10 100 levels, but not much replay Controls: 9/10 Arrow keys and 2nd only Implementation: 9/10 100 levels, two board sizes, decent options Overall: 8/10 Solid game, puzzle game fans will like it more than the average game player.
Based upon a Nintendo Gameboy game, Andreas Ess's Picross can best be described as a paint-by-numbers puzzle game. You are given a blank 8x8 or 16x16 field, and you must guess which points to fill within the alotted amount of time. A wrong guess subtracts five seconds from the timer. Simple yes?
The "painting-by-numbers" theme comes from the vertical and horizontal information areas. The vertical display is above the game board, and the horizontal display is to the left. In the displays, you'll see 1's, 2's, and 3's depending on how the dots in that collumn or row allign.
This game does have a few options. You can replay any level that you have already beaten. There is a score and highscore.
This is a fairly challenging game, and the 100 levels provide plenty of playing time. Unfortunately, the gameplay becomes stale after awhile, so once you beat the game, you probably won't play it again. |
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