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Sqrxz v1.0


Ranked as 13052 on our all-time top downloads list with 3990 downloads.
Ranked as 9905 on our top downloads list for the past seven days with 2 downloads.

Filename sqrxz.zip (Download)
Title Sqrxz v1.0
Description Source code to Sqrxz v1.0. Sqrxz is similar to Mario Bros. and a clone of the PC game. The goal is to control an ugly bug (a Sqrxz) through a dangerous world filled with traps and enemies such as Blobs, Hedgehogs, Bats and more. Features a virtual screen, three different speeds, external levels, and a DOS level editor.
Author Jimmy MÃ¥rdell (yarin@acc.umu.se)
Category TI-86 Assembly Source
File Size 33,233 bytes
File Date and Time Sat Jul 4 03:33:31 1998
Documentation Included? No



Review by  scott delaney
Reviewed on 2006-03-27
"Sqrxz" is a great, enjoyable game for the TI-83+ series calculators. The graphics are nice, and gameplay is smooth; my only complaint is the fact that you need "Ion" to run this game. The "MirageOS" version just crashed when I ran it

Other than its compatibility problems, this game is well worth the download. If you have "Super Mario", you would like this.

Graphics: 9/10 very nice, but only grayscale is deserving of 10/10.
Gameplay: 10/10 one of the most fun games for the 83+.
Size: 9/10 not very big at all, since no levels are built in - all are external and can be run from the archive.
Overall: 28/30 A really nice game that needs few improvements. A must download for "Mario" fans


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Archive Contents
Name Size
SQRXZ.H   414
SQRXZGFX.H   27174
ASCR.H   4307
SQRXZ.ASM   78124
TI86ASM.INC   12128
TI86ABS.INC   3120

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