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[Usgard 1.5+] XC-1701 II v1.0


Ranked as 6550 on our all-time top downloads list with 6207 downloads.
Ranked as 7206 on our top downloads list for the past seven days with 1 downloads.

Filename xc1701_2.zip (Download)
Title [Usgard 1.5+] XC-1701 II v1.0
Author Andreas Ess (ess.andreas@cable.vol.at)
Category TI-85 Assembly Games (Usgard)
File Size 11,580 bytes
File Date and Time Sun Jun 28 19:48:17 1998
Documentation Included? No
Source Code Included? No



Review by  Alex Staherski
Reviewed on 2004-11-20
Attention span: 10/10 Never gets old
Controls: 10/10 Very easy to use
Implementation: 10/10 Excellent sequel
Overall: 10/10 A great game

XC-1701 II is a Space Invaders type shoot 'em up game for Usgard. It is the sequel to XC-1701 for ZShell. There are many new enemies with excellent AI. There are also several new power-ups and weapons like the megabomb which destroys everything on screen. In addition, there are several levels of some of the old power-ups and rather than being killed in one hit, you have a shield level.

This is an excellent game. The four grays make it look spectacular. There is also a very interesting plot line. This version of the game allows for user levels each of which can have its own story and enemies. Despite the compolexity of the game, it is quite a bit smaller than the original and still runs very quickly. The save feature is very handy for when you are playing in class and need to stop. This is the kind of game we have come to expect from a master programer like Andreas Ess.


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Archive Contents
Name Size
XC1701_2.DOC   3350
XCLEVEL.85S   1484
XC1701N.85S   6899
Xcenems.txt   4428
Galaxy4.85s   570

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