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Ranked as 4645 on our all-time top downloads list with 7378 downloads.

Filename impuzzle.zip (Download)
Title Impuzzible
Description A puzzle game taken from the Palm Pilot, but instead of moving they are rotating. The goal is to turn every box upside down.
Author BearSoft (bjorn.odelfalk@chello.se)
Category TI-86 Assembly Games
File Size 4,008 bytes
File Date and Time Sat May 30 03:36:28 1998
Documentation Included? Yes
Source Code Included? No



Review by  Kirk Meyer
Reviewed on 2004-11-02
Attention span: 4/10 Great until you win.
Controls: 10/10 The arrow keys and 2nd with a mouse pointer.
Implementation: 6/10 Too many graphics and too long of a title screen.
Overall: 7/10 Easy to get frustrated with.

Impuzzible is similar to the classic 15-tile game except that it is played on a three by three grid and instead of tiles there are cubes. In addition to moving, cubes also rotate when you move them. The cubes are painted half black and half gray. The object is to have all gray showing when you are done. The way the cubes rotate is hard to explain.

The title screen takes more than twenty seconds to wait through. The game has a very large amount of graphics for the amount of functionality it has. The graphics are what makes the game as large as it is. If you win, you won't want to play it again since you can then win every time.


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IMPUZZLE.86P   5441

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