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1000 Bornes SE


Ranked as 30435 on our all-time top downloads list with 1831 downloads.
Ranked as 4246 on our top downloads list for the past seven days with 2 downloads.

Filename 1000_bornes_se.zip (Download)
Title 1000 Bornes SE
Description CE calculators only, as based on Grosged's sprites library (included). Type : card game Author : Edmond Dujardin Release : 1954 Adaptation : Xavier Andréani Graphics : J.Y. Boucrot (1985 adaptation for Thomson MO5/TO7/TO8) Platforms : TI-83 Premium CE, TI-84 Plus CE Check the game rules : http://www.hasbro.com/common/instruct/MilleBornes.pdf Controls : --------- - draw a card : [+] - play a card / coup fourré : [2nd] or [alpha] or [enter] - discard a card : [-] or [del] - quit : [mode] or [clear]
Authors (a.b@c.de)
Jean-Yves Boucrot ()
Xavier ANDREANI (andreanx@hotmail.com)
Category TI-84 Plus C Silver Edition/CE BASIC Games
File Size 175,389 bytes
File Date and Time Mon Dec 4 17:50:39 2017
Documentation Included? Yes



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Archive Contents
Name Size
1000 Bornes SE/Z6DCARTE.8xp   571
1000 Bornes SE/Z6DFNUM.8xp   211
1000 Bornes SE/Z6IAATT.8xp   657
1000 Bornes SE/Z6IACF.8xp   260
1000 Bornes SE/Z6IACOUR.8xp   248
1000 Bornes SE/Z6IADEF.8xp   351
1000 Bornes SE/Z6IAJET.8xp   1263
1000 Bornes SE/Z6IAPTS.8xp   125
1000 Bornes SE/Z6IATIRE.8xp   112
1000 Bornes SE/Z6RMAIN.8xp   149
1000 Bornes SE/Z6TIRE.8xp   212
1000 Bornes SE/ZLANG.8xp   292
en_readme.txt   889
fr_lisezmoi.txt   995
Sprites v3.3/backhome.8xp   198
Sprites v3.3/clscreen.8xp   82
Sprites v3.3/Demos/DEMO.8Xp   480
Sprites v3.3/Demos/SQUASH.8Xp   738
Sprites v3.3/Docs/256_colors.png   145919
Sprites v3.3/Docs/Instructions-ENG.txt   4647
Sprites v3.3/Docs/Instructions-FR.txt   5217
Sprites v3.3/Docs/Palette_36colors.png   149288
Sprites v3.3/palette.8xp   241
Sprites v3.3/print.8xp   626
Sprites v3.3/settings.8xp   3390
Sprites v3.3/Sources/backhome.asm   1058
Sprites v3.3/Sources/clscreen.asm   128
Sprites v3.3/Sources/palette.asm   1793
Sprites v3.3/Sources/print.asm   7190
Sprites v3.3/Sources/settings.asm   25392
Sprites v3.3/Sources/sprite.asm   120
Sprites v3.3/sprite.8xp   82
1000 Bornes SE/MILLBORN.8xp   24651

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