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Jumpman 92+


Ranked as 37804 on our all-time top downloads list with 724 downloads.
Ranked as 9119 on our top downloads list for the past seven days with 2 downloads.

Filename jumpman_92.zip (Download)
Title Jumpman 92+
Description Alien creatures have broken into the Jupiter headquarters and sabotaged all systems and hid bombs in different corners and angles, which can destroy the headquarters and the two adjoining buildings any moment. It all depends on you. As secret agent Jupiter Jumpman you have the speed and experience to cross the aliens' plans and thus defend the headquarters. In this comprehensive platform game, the bombs have to be collected in 30 levels. At the same time some creatures as bats, birds or aliens, but also robots and missiles disturb you. Also, collecting the bombs is a bit tricky. Either traps are triggered, i.e. ropes, ladders or platform parts disappear or fall down, or in some levels they only appear by this. The name of the level kind of contains directly what will happen! Seen as that, everything that moves should be avoided.
Author David Randall (drandall99@charter.net)
Category TI-92 Plus Assembly Games
File Size 68,058 bytes
File Date and Time Sat Nov 18 17:26:18 2017
Documentation Included? Yes
Source Code Included? No



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Archive Contents
Name Size
Jumpman_92/jml1.9xy   2341
Jumpman_92/jml2.9xy   3156
Jumpman_92/jml3.9xy   3653
Jumpman_92/jml4.9xy   8401
Jumpman_92/jumpman.9xy   23261
Jumpman_92/jumpman.9xz   1095
Jumpman_92/jumpman.v2y   23261
Jumpman_92/jumpman.v2z   1095
Jumpman_92/readme.txt   3954

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