Ultima V 92+
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Ultima V 92+
Ultima V: Warriors of Destiny Original by Lord British (Richard Garriott), Origin Systems, 1988 Remake by Ranman (David Randall) May 2008 Prepare thyself for thy destiny: After a century of relative peace, the Avatar of Virtue is summoned back to the medieval kingdom of Britannia to deal with a new threat: the usurper Lord Blackthorn, a formerly honorable nobleman who has been corrupted by strange new creatures called the Shadowlords. After the recent disappearance of the true king, Lord British, the realm has fallen under martial law. Blackthorn now rules the land by brutally enforcing the eight Virtues upon the people of Britannia - corrupting their meaning in the process. The Avatar must gather together his former companions, now made outlaws by Blackthorn's regime, and venture forth to defeat the vile Shadowlords and recover the true king from the shadowy depths of the Underworld. (Synopsis written by Ian Scott Frazier, Ultima V: Lazarus) Ultima V - Highlights: - 400 hours of game play - classic turn based RPG - 26 menu driven commands - user commands up to 6 party members - 175 NPC (non-playable characters) - NPCs have detailed conversations scripts - NPCs have a unique daily schedules. - 512 tiles (11x11 pixel, 4 level grayscale) - 2 world maps (each with a size of 256x256 tiles) - 32 multi level towns (each level size 32x32 tiles) - 8 dungeons each with 8 levels - 31 types of weapons - 7 types of armor - 5 types of shields - 5 types of helmets - 5 magic amulets - 3 magic rings - 8 magic potions - 8 magic scrolls - 8 reagents (reagents are used to mix magic spells) - 48 magic spells - food, keys, torches, & gems - 24 additional items - Day and night algorithm - Light point source algorithm - Clear line of site algorithm
David Randall (drandall99@charter.net)
TI-92 Plus Assembly Games
File Size
919,956 bytes
File Date and Time
Sat Nov 18 17:23:00 2017
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