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Crystann or the Diamond Dungeon


Ranked as 10905 on our all-time top downloads list with 4506 downloads.
Ranked as 9044 on our top downloads list for the past seven days with 5 downloads.

Filename crystann1.zip (Download)
Title Crystann or the Diamond Dungeon
Description Platformer. So you're called Crystann and have decided to become the greatest mage of the kingdom. Thus, you must enter the Diamond Dungeon to steal the valuable Jade Statue which contains the Ultimate Incantation. Treasures, traps, secrets and magic items... prepare for a dungeon-scale adventure !
Author Xavier ANDREANI (andreanx@hotmail.com)
Category TI-84 Plus CE Assembly Games
File Size 2,612,166 bytes
File Date and Time Thu Mar 3 21:45:22 2016
Documentation Included? Yes
Source Code Included? Yes



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Archive Contents
Name Size
crystann/cover.png   391055
crystann/CRYSTANN.8xp   33607
crystann/crystann.c.txt   85978
crystann/en_license.txt   35819
crystann/en_readme.txt   1131
crystann/fr_licence.txt   46895
crystann/fr_lisezmoi.txt   1193
crystann/map.png   1434826
crystann/screenshot.jpg   715913
crystann/source/keys.c   545
crystann/source/keys.h   432
crystann/source/main.c   21387
crystann/source/map.c   15375
crystann/source/map.h   344
crystann/source/mem.c   1099
crystann/source/mem.h   48
crystann/source/rle.c   829
crystann/source/rle.h   271
crystann/source/screen8bpp.c   4675
crystann/source/screen8bpp.h   749
crystann/source/splash.c   11313
crystann/source/splash.h   73
crystann/source/text8bpp.c   22033
crystann/source/text8bpp.h   86
crystann/source/tiles.h   110
crystann/source/tilesmap.c   16510
crystann/source/tilesmap.h   88
crystann/source/tilesplayer.c   6165
crystann/source/tilesplayer.h   92
crystann/source/tools.c   1343
crystann/source/tools.h   253
crystann/source.txt   106

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