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Ranked as 13894 on our all-time top downloads list with 3825 downloads.
Ranked as 3068 on our top downloads list for the past seven days with 3 downloads.

Filename mandragore4.zip (Download)
Title Mandragore
Description There was once a distant country where there was only calm and kindness, the country of MANDRAGORE. A meteor shower fell on the land and one of them troke the good king JORIAND. Immediately, YAROD-NOR, a lord who came out of nowhere, seized power and made evil and terror reign in this peaceful country. To free the country from the yoke of the infamous tyrant, you have to face YAROD-NOR in his own dungeon. For this you need to recover the treasures held in the other nine dungeons of the MANDRAGORE country and sell them in different villages in order to get what you need to build a boat.
Author Xavier ANDREANI (andreanx@hotmail.com)
Category TI-84 Plus CE Assembly Games
File Size 2,140,603 bytes
File Date and Time Thu Mar 3 21:45:37 2016
Documentation Included? Yes
Source Code Included? Yes



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Archive Contents
Name Size
mandragore/cover.png   190755
mandragore/en_license.txt   35819
mandragore/en_readme.txt   1219
mandragore/fr_licence.txt   46895
mandragore/fr_lisezmoi.txt   1291
mandragore/La geste de Syrella.pdf   1073104
mandragore/MANDRAGORE.8xp   18824
mandragore/map1.png   578904
mandragore/map2.png   317840
mandragore/source/keys.c   545
mandragore/source/keys.h   432
mandragore/source/main.c   6728
mandragore/source/map.c   7597
mandragore/source/map.h   185
mandragore/source/mem.c   1099
mandragore/source/mem.h   48
mandragore/source/rle.c   829
mandragore/source/rle.h   162
mandragore/source/screen8bpp.c   2744
mandragore/source/screen8bpp.h   546
mandragore/source/splash.c   23730
mandragore/source/splash.h   73
mandragore/source/text8bpp.c   22062
mandragore/source/text8bpp.h   86
mandragore/source/tiles.h   110
mandragore/source/tilesmap.c   2217
mandragore/source/tilesmap.h   87
mandragore/source/tilesplayer.c   986
mandragore/source/tilesplayer.h   91
mandragore/source/tools.c   1343
mandragore/source/tools.h   207
mandragore/source.txt   106
mandragore/splash.png   3440

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