Pokemon Battle Factory
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pokemonbattlefactory.zip (Download)
Pokemon Battle Factory
Welcome to POKEFACT, a recreation of the Pokemon Emerald Battle Factory experience for the graphing calculator. The objective of the game is to battle your way through the ranks of the Battle Factory, swap for more powerful pokemon, and achieve the highest win streak you can get. The game features 108 types of pokemon, 434 movesets, 179 different moves, 52 unique abilities, and 28 items. I've tried to mimic the original as closely as possible, but I might add more pokemon + movesets if it makes the game more fun. If you don't want to download the >300KB source code, you can get the programs here: https://www.dropbox.com/s/boikjzixopvv1zz/POKEFACT.zip
Victor Ge (victorge381@gmail.com)
TI-83/84 Plus Assembly Games (MirageOS)
File Size
367,064 bytes
File Date and Time
Sun Aug 31 17:28:10 2014
Documentation Included?
Source Code Included?
Review by
Barry McNamara
Reviewed on
This is amazing! Of all the Pokemon games I have played, this is by far the best one. Your engine is very good, and the graphics look almost exactly like a grayscale version of Emerald. You really just need to play this to see how close it is to the original.
After playing for a little while, I do have a couple of complaints. I got stuck fighting a Blissey for a while that kept using Softboiled and sing. At first I was under the impression that the game did not have PP, since I didn't see it, but eventually Blissey started using struggle. Thank goodness, except that after struggling a couple of times Blissey tried to sing again. So I think it ran out of Softboiled and would struggle when it tried to use Softboiled but could still use other moves. This is not the proper mechanic. Struggle should not be used until you are out of all of your moves. (Upon closer inspection, you can see the PP if you click summary on the Pokemon. Nice work.)
Related to this, the AI is stupid. It appears to be choosing moves at random, and while Pokemon isn't known for great AI, a bit more thought on the computer's part would make the game better IMO. If Electabuzz just KO'ed my Alakazam with thunderbolt, it shouldn't use Brick Break when I send out Starmie.
But beyond this, it's a really great game. I would love to see you make a Stadium or Showdown style link battle game in the future. You're an incredible designer, and I can tell you put a lot of time into this game. I'm curious as to how far you went. I'm guessing you copied the Pokemon stats and movesets directly out of the guide. Did you mimic the mechanic where you start with better pokemon if you swap more, or is that not a thing in this version (since I saw you can choose the round at the beginning)? Just some of the questions I have. The Battle Factory was always one of my Favorite parts of Pokemon! |
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Archive Contents
PKMNDATA - TI-83 Plus (Native).8xp | 23283 |
PKMNPICB - TI-83 Plus (Native).8xp | 16578 |
PKMNPICF - TI-83 Plus (Native).8xp | 16578 |
POKEFACT - TI-83 Plus (MirageOS).8xp | 20371 |
read me.txt | 10152 |
Source.zip | 318664 |