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Ranked as 6039 on our all-time top downloads list with 6471 downloads.
Ranked as 3289 on our top downloads list for the past seven days with 3 downloads.
Ranked as 623 on our top rated list with a weighted average of 6.64.

Filename stickninja.zip (Download)
Title StickNinja
Description StickNinja is a platformer game featuring amazing graphics, animations, and smoothscroll tilemapping. Run around, kill enemies, and beat all the levels. Written with Axe .5.3
Author squidgetx (squidgetx@gmail.com)
Category TI-83/84 Plus Flash Games
File Size 20,987 bytes
File Date and Time Sun Jul 17 19:24:53 2011
Documentation Included? Yes
Source Code Included? Yes



Review by  Ben F.
Reviewed on 2020-09-20
This is a highly underrated platformer for the Ti-84+.

The graphics are really impressive, and the game runs at a solid framerate with minimal slowdown.

The combat and physics feel great too, but I have a few issues with the level design:

The screen crunch from the screen resolution is not adequately dealt with, leadign to cheap deaths even on the first level. The developer did try to mitigate this with a singular coin trail in level 4, but seemingly forgot to do it anywhere else. Level 4 is also where a massive difficulty spike happens, with conveyer belts rushing you forwards into insta-death spikes. When combined with the lack of visibility on death pits, this is a very frustrating level. If it weren't for the awesome auto-save feature, this would have hurt my rating of this game way more than it did.

Even if the levels are frustrating at times, they are still (mostly) fair, fun, and at a good length for short sessions.

Overall, 8.8 out of 10- Give this one a go if you like platformers, and/or just want a challenge.

See 2 more reviews


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Archive Contents
Name Size
StNDat.8xv   13132
StkNinja.8xk   27776
readme.txt   1357
Source/A0.8xp   3071
Source/A00.8xp   1096
Source/A000.8xp   137
Source/A001.8xp   273
Source/A00BL.8xp   1598
Source/A00EN.8xp   823
Source/A00M2.8xp   1167
Source/A00ME.8xp   534
Source/A00MT.8xp   1418
Source/Pic2.8xi   844
Source/Pic1.8xi   844
Source/Pic3.8xi   844
Source/Pic4.8xi   844
Source/A00TI.8xp   589

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