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CPanel Library V1.0


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Ranked as 30649 on our top downloads list for the past seven days with 2 downloads.

Filename cpanellib.zip (Download)
Title CPanel Library V1.0
Description Note: The following program is ONLY for Ti-84(+)(SE), since it only has enough RAM for Control Panel Library. Moreover, TiOS 2.55MP or greater is needed on the calcultor! Control Panel Library (abbreviated as CPanel Lib) is a Ti-BASIC library that contains the best assembly opcodes and assembly programs from Ticalc.org. CPanel Lib basically acts as a frontend, in order to make parameters to the opcodes and assembly programs easier. Most of the time, the only input and output is in the wild variable ANS, making parameters so much easier. Moroever, this front-end contains debug code, which is an invaluable tool for developers to see what is being put into the function, and what is outputted from the function. Furthermore, unlike other libraries, this library uses hacked variables as much as is technically possible, so that normal variables currently in use are not altered. CPanel Lib contains about 28 functions, ranging from the ability to play sound, enable lowercase, change variable datatypes;, un/archive, un/lock, and delete programs during runtime; run assembly scripts in hex tokens, generate OS and custom errors, and much more! Furthermore, by setting up the CPanel LIb environment, the developer can create subprograms and subfunctions within BASIC programs. These subprograms/subfunctions are known as "macros", and are "included" into your program, similar to like in C++ programs. Using the included tool/app called "XCopy" these macros can be psuedo-copied and pasted into programs so that they can be "included". There are 17 macros that I have made for this release of CPanel, and their features range from converting numbers/fractions into strings (with/without a sign appended in front), splitting a fraction into a numerator and denominator variable, storing a string/Y variable into another String/Y Variable by an ID, and much more! Some of my current suites and many of my future programs that I will make will depend upon this Library, so download it today! See the Technical documents inside for more information on how to use CPanel Lib
Author Tamkis (kamtis72@yahoo.com)
Category TI-83/84 Plus BASIC Misc. Programs (Development Tools)
File Size 2,075,385 bytes
File Date and Time Thu Jun 2 09:05:07 2011
Documentation Included? Yes



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Archive Contents
Name Size
CPanel Lib/CPanel Lib/CPLIB2.8xg   5459
CPanel Lib/CPanel Lib/CPLIB3.8xg   18666
CPanel Lib/CPanel Lib/CPLIB1.8xg   12307
CPanel Lib/CPanel Lib/XCopy.8xk   13229
CPanel Lib/CPanel Lib/Xcopy.hex   15152
CPanel Lib/CPanel Lib/TST.8xp   12420
CPanel Lib/~WRL0003.tmp   593408
CPanel Lib/Sndtest.wav   253656
CPanel Lib/Src.rar   213440
CPanel Lib/CPanel Syntax.xls   58880
CPanel Lib/CPanel Lib.doc   1664000

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