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Convolution Calculator


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Filename convolutioncalculatorv1.0.zip (Download)
Title Convolution Calculator
Description In introductory digital signal processing courses, the convolution is a rather important concept and is an operation involving two functions. The word “convolve” means to wrap around. In essence, the convolution of two functions is “sweeping” a function across another function and multiplying their overlapping regions. One function is kept stationary while one function is flipped across the y axis and is then shifted left or right. The amount of shifting depends on the value of n. Since we are dealing with discrete values, we multiply the functions and sum the products to compute the convolution at that point of n. The purpose of this program is to take a set of values for x[n] and a set of values for h[n] and compute their convolution, x[n]*h[n], which results in the output, y[n]. The values of x[n] and y[n] must be discrete and cannot rely upon a formula. In example, the program cannot take an equation in terms of n and compute the convolution that way. You must enter individual values. It is also assumed that the system is LTI/LSI (Linear Time/Shift Invariant).
Author Tanmay Mishra (tmishra2003@gmail.com)
Category TI-83/84 Plus BASIC Science Programs (Electricity)
File Size 528,799 bytes
File Date and Time Sun Jan 9 08:12:07 2011
Documentation Included? Yes



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Archive Contents
Name Size
Convolution Calculator v1.00/CONVCALC.8xg   1364
Convolution Calculator v1.00/Directions (Convolution Calculator v1.00).pdf   518302
Convolution Calculator v1.00/Screenshots/SCREEN01.JPG   8556
Convolution Calculator v1.00/Screenshots/SCREEN02.JPG   6751
Convolution Calculator v1.00/Screenshots/SCREEN03.JPG   5204
Convolution Calculator v1.00/Screenshots/SCREEN04.JPG   8575
Convolution Calculator v1.00/Screenshots/SCREEN05.JPG   4632
Convolution Calculator v1.00/Screenshots/SCREEN06.JPG   4582
Convolution Calculator v1.00/Screenshots/SCREEN07.JPG   4461
Convolution Calculator v1.00/Screenshots/SCREEN09.JPG   4482
Convolution Calculator v1.00/Screenshots/SCREEN10.JPG   4512

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