Puyo Puyo 83
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puyopuyo83.zip (Download)
Puyo Puyo 83
Pop! Pop! Create chain reactions to score points in this addicting puzzle game. Play alone, or against an opponent with the link cable. In order to maximize the screen size, the game is played gamepad style (held sideways) for a unique, and comfortable gaming experience. This is by far my most ambitious project yet, featuring animated sprites, linking, multikey presses, and other advanced features. Have fun!
kevin horowitz (--@--.com)
TI-83/84 Plus Assembly Games (MirageOS)
File Size
1,558,683 bytes
File Date and Time
Wed Nov 11 04:55:06 2009
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Review by
Hans Jorgensen
Reviewed on
Puyo Puyo is a great game for TI-83 Plus. The controls are very intuitive, and the game is just great. In fact, it is so great, I deleted it off my calculator so I could get my life back.
The most novel part of this game is how it asks you to hold your calculator: sideways. When you start the game, it asks you to "Flip Calc" and hold it gamepad style, using the numpad to play the game. Contrary to popular belief, this is not a "power to the lefties" game. Rather, it is a "power to the unjustly treated righties" game, since the movement pad on every single game controller known to man (except of course the calculator) is operated by the left hand.
The game itself is great. Although it is not an original concept, the game is ported very well to the 83 Plus series. Simply match together 4 like blocks and attempt to make combos. My only peeve with this game is how they manage garbage in 1P mode, by using a timer. One thing I would like is if it simulated a Vs. CPU mode, in which garbage was simulated by an imaginary second player which you attempted to defeat, like in Dr. Robotnik's Mean Bean Machine for Sega Genesis. (However, such a mode would also dictate using standard orientation and a tiny tile size so you could see your foe.)
Actually, my only peeve with this game is that it is so addicting! I sometimes find myself playing it compulsively, and then I feel ashamed afterwards when I haven't got any work done. If you find it hard to stop playing games, do not send this to your calculator to play during math class, or any class whatsoever!
But overall, an 8/10, only falling short because of addiction level. |
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Archive Contents
screen.gif | 1586556 |
Pure ASM/PUYOPUYO.8xp | 6261 |
Mirage OS/PUYOPUYO.8xp | 6306 |
Ion/PUYOPUYO.8xp | 6277 |
Readme.txt | 3020 |
Source/PuyoPuyo83.z80 | 54807 |
Source/PuyoPuyo83_ION.z80 | 54875 |
Source/PuyoPuyo83_MOS.z80 | 55351 |