GPACalc++ v1.0
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GPACalc++ v1.0
GPACALC++ v1.0 This clever but simply designed text-based GPA Calculator features 2 ways of calculating your GPA. Full GPA mode- Calculate your GPA through all 6 Classes Basic GPA Mode- Calculate your GPA through 4 basic classes (English, Math, Science, and Social Studies). This method is used mainly by colleges and is helpful in calculating your true core GPA through the main classes. GPACALC++ also features the option of selecting honors classes, multiplying your GPA *1.25 for every class. If your weighted GPA is within the specifications, the results will display A or B honor roll. Weighted GPA- your GPA including the Honors option Unweighted GPA- your GPA not including the honors option INSTRUCTIONS- *NOTE: A Failed Grade is represented by a "N", meaning Not-Passed. Do not confuse these otherwise it will not calculate correctly. To begin, look at the alpha key (highlighted in green on the calculator). If you see the alpha keyes correctly, "A" should be at the "MATH" button and "B" at the "APPS" button. Now, at the cursor prompt type in your grade for the current grade point. If your grade is an one letter grade such as "A" or "B" and so on, type in the letter "A", then ENTER. If your grade is such as an "A+" or "B-" and so on, type in the Grade Letter followed by the symbol such as "+" or "-". This will bring you to the Honors option. If this class is AP or IB, then type in the letter "H", if not then press the ENTER button. This will bring you to the next period. Repeat this procedure. When you are completely done, the results should appear. If you mess up on one of the inputs, you may press the "DEL" button and it will delete the entry(s) behind. To restart the program from the main menu, press "MODE". For your convenience, this programs deletes all of the variables used. If you experience any problems or bugs in the program please email me at:
Simon Olson (
TI-83 BASIC Educational Programs (Agenda, Homework Tracking, Schedule Programs)
File Size
2,372 bytes
File Date and Time
Sun Aug 24 17:36:40 2008
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