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Microhertz (TI-83/83+ Demo)


Ranked as 28454 on our all-time top downloads list with 2047 downloads.
Ranked as 7206 on our top downloads list for the past seven days with 1 downloads.

Filename microhertz.zip (Download)
Title Microhertz (TI-83/83+ Demo)
Description A scene demo featuring 6 different effects, for 83 Ion and 83+ MirageOS - comes with full source code.
Author Benjamin Ryves (benryves@benryves.com)
Category TI-83/84 Plus Assembly Graphics Programs (MirageOS)
File Size 92,517 bytes
File Date and Time Fri Feb 17 22:02:14 2006
Documentation Included? Yes
Source Code Included? Yes



Review by  Erik Stamp
Reviewed on 2006-02-18
I have really got to say that this was a really good demonstration of the TI-83+'s graphics abilities. The gray scale was flicker less, and the movement was smoother than anything I've ever seen on a TI-83 Plus. If someone could build a game, or useful program off of graphics like this, it would be a hit.

I give it a 10/10.


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Archive Contents
Name Size
Microhertz - TI-83 (Ion).83p   12958
Microhertz - TI-83 Plus (MirageOS).8xp   12852
Source/Build/Compile.cmd   237
Source/Build/TI-83 (Ion).cmd   73
Source/Build/TI-83 (Ion).debug   292
Source/Build/TI-83 Plus (MirageOS).cmd   78
Source/Build/TI-83 Plus (MirageOS).debug   294
Source/Includes/headers.inc   2263
Source/Includes/ion83.inc   283
Source/Includes/ion8x.inc   376
Source/Includes/keyval.inc   1336
Source/Includes/mirage.inc   5068
Source/Includes/ti83asm.INC   21885
Source/Includes/ti83plus.inc   108297
Source/Includes/tokens.INC   31672
Source/Microhertz.asm   6387
Source/Microhertz.lnp   1086
Source/Resources/angles.lut   1536
Source/Resources/Blobs.inc   518
Source/Resources/Cylinder.inc   2411
Source/Resources/depth.lut   1536
Source/Resources/Flip.inc   509
Source/Resources/Flipcards/eye.gif   219
Source/Resources/Flipcards/foot.gif   249
Source/Resources/Flipcards/head.gif   151
Source/Resources/Flipcards/lips.gif   245
Source/Resources/font.bin   768
Source/Resources/icon.gif   73
Source/Resources/Lens.inc   3766
Source/Resources/Lens/beard.gif   667
Source/Resources/Lens/both.gif   462
Source/Resources/Lens/moustache.gif   676
Source/Resources/Title.inc   229
Source/Resources/Tunnel.inc   326
Source/Routines/TI83.asm   167
Source/Scenes/Blobs.asm   5290
Source/Scenes/Cylinder.asm   4288
Source/Scenes/Flip.asm   8616
Source/Scenes/Lens.asm   6003
Source/Scenes/Shrink.asm   3126
Source/Scenes/Title.asm   4523
Source/Scenes/Tunnel.asm   3346
ReadMe.htm   4780

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