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Chicago v1.01 - 2 Player Poker Link Game (USB, I/O) (Eng.)


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Ranked as 6356 on our top downloads list for the past seven days with 3 downloads.

Filename chicagoeng.zip (Download)
Title Chicago v1.01 - 2 Player Poker Link Game (USB, I/O) (Eng.)
Description Link game for two calcs, using ZCom - Fast USB and I/O Communication for Basic Games (v2.11) Poker with points, three swaps; the best hand scores after both the first and the second swaps. Then swap before the trick, the one who win the last trick get five points; after the trick the best hand scores. The first player to 52 points has won. When you have reached 46 points you mustn't swap anymore. (This is the English version; there is also a Swedish version)
Author Johan Rydh (jrydh@hotmail.com)
Category TI-83/84 Plus BASIC Games (Casino/Cards)
File Size 165,276 bytes
File Date and Time Thu Feb 2 05:07:06 2006
Documentation Included? Yes



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Archive Contents
Name Size
Resource/LdSource (Eng).8xp   304
Resource/LdSource (Swe).8xp   308
Resource/Resource Readme.txt   12673
Resource/Resource.8xp   563
ZCom v2.11 (2)/Screenshot/ZCom - Logo.gif   1548
ZCom v2.11 (2)/Screenshot/ZGet - complex.gif   63807
ZCom v2.11 (2)/Screenshot/ZGet - string.gif   65735
ZCom v2.11 (2)/Screenshot/ZSend - complex.gif   51619
ZCom v2.11 (2)/Screenshot/ZSend - string.gif   49930
ZCom v2.11 (2)/Software/Resource/LdSource (Eng).8xp   304
ZCom v2.11 (2)/Software/Resource/LdSource (Swe).8xp   308
ZCom v2.11 (2)/Software/Resource/Resource Readme.txt   12673
ZCom v2.11 (2)/Software/Resource/Resource.8xp   563
ZCom v2.11 (2)/Software/ZCOMDATA.8xv   2436
ZCom v2.11 (2)/Software/ZCOMLOGO.8XP   724
ZCom v2.11 (2)/ZCom ReadMe (Short Info).txt   1779
ZCom v2.11 (2)/ZCom ReadMe.htm   19917
ZCom v2.11 (2)/ZCom v2.11 (Short Syntax Version ReadMe).doc   30208
Connection.gif   1895
Example.gif   17226
Menu.gif   2079
Result.gif   1789
Rules.gif   2474
Start.gif   670
The first swap.gif   2219
The swap before the trick.gif   2407
Trick.gif   2481
ReadMe.txt   9149
Chicago.8xp   4224
ZchDraw.8xp   757
ZchMenu.8xp   575
ZchRemov.8xp   153
ZchRules.8xp   1984
ZchSave.8xp   318
ZchTrick.8xp   2240

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