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Lighting v6 & Lighting v6N


Ranked as 31870 on our all-time top downloads list with 1649 downloads.

Filename lighting.zip (Download)
Title Lighting v6 & Lighting v6N
Description Light6 (Lighting v6) performs 4 calculations essential for the electrical engineering technician or lighting designer: 'Room Cavity Ratio', 'Lamps Required', 'Lamps to Footcandles', and 'Total Fixture Watts'. 'Room Cavity Ratio' is used to look up the 'Coefficient of Utilization' in a fixture catalog, 'Lamps Required' calculates how many lamps are needed to generate the target footcandles, 'Lamps to Footcandles' is used when you realize that you cannot fit the exact 'Lamps Required' into the room and want to know how close your adjusted lamp number is to the target footcandles (should I add or subtract a fixture?), and 'Total Fixture Watts' tells you the total draw of all of your fixtures combined. The program is self-explanatory, and does not contain any notes or display any formulas. Requires 1838 of calculator memory. If you want notes and visible formulas, and do not mind a larger memory footprint, then use Light6N which requires 4238. Students are encouraged to use Light6N. Free software. Use at your own risk. Conrad.
Author conrad schuler (conrad_schuler@yahoo.com)
Category TI-83/84 Plus BASIC Science Programs (Electricity)
File Size 4,142 bytes
File Date and Time Sun Sep 25 10:42:02 2005
Documentation Included? Yes


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Archive Contents
Name Size
LIGHT6.8XP   1899
LIGHT6N.8XP   4298

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