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Ranked as 487 on our all-time top downloads list with 26657 downloads.
Ranked as 2320 on our top downloads list for the past seven days with 8 downloads.
Ranked as 436 on our top rated list with a weighted average of 7.72.

Filename nightblade.zip (Download)
Title Nightblade
Description Nightblade is an RPG centered around an assassin that takes missions from people. A spacial turn based battle system. A point allocation level system. Spells, skills weapons, items, and accessories. Some missions have multiple methods of completion. NOTE: There seems to be a problem with some mirage routines that are called after archiving/locking the program on some calcs. If this happens do not perform these actions on the calc. Switched random routine to better one. See changelog for changes.
Author tyler branch (tyler.branch@asu.edu)
Category TI-83/84 Plus Assembly Games (MirageOS)
File Size 959,344 bytes
File Date and Time Sat Dec 24 03:58:44 2005
Documentation Included? Yes
Source Code Included? Yes



Review by  Gabriel Rath
Reviewed on 2006-12-21
Nightblade has its ups and downs. The graphics suck and so do the skills, but it has a nice storyline and some interesting features.

Graphics: 3/10 Horrible. 6x6 sprites (I never knew they made any) are just plain ugly. The good thing is that you can replace them (although the replacements need to be 6x6 pixels too).

Controls: 7/10 A lot to remember. I also want the use of 2nd instead of ENTER.

Gameplay: 6/10 Pretty fast. Also interesting battle system. However, the stats are screwed up. I almost died at level 1 (but its level 0 in NightBlade) because I missed 90% of the time! The spells are also not balanced out well enough, and neither is the HP/MP during level up.

Storyline: 10/10 Most RPG's have boring, straight, cliche storylines. Nightblade, however, is completely different. It has and original storyline and many choices that make the story non-linear. This is possibly the only good factor about NightBlade, although I do have a minor complaint about no side-quests that have nothing to do with the storyline.

Overall: 6.8/10 It would not get such a bad score if it were not for the graphics and the unbalanced gameplay.

See 2 more reviews


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Archive Contents
Name Size
nightblade/battle1.jpg   137714
nightblade/battle2.GIF   3053
nightblade/battle2.JPG   140779
nightblade/battle3.JPG   148542
nightblade/changelog.txt   827
nightblade/Credits.txt   240
nightblade/customizepics/bugtype.bmp   86
nightblade/customizepics/chardown1.bmp   86
nightblade/customizepics/chardown2.bmp   86
nightblade/customizepics/charleft1.bmp   86
nightblade/customizepics/charleft2.bmp   86
nightblade/customizepics/charright1.bmp   86
nightblade/customizepics/charright2.bmp   86
nightblade/customizepics/charup1.bmp   86
nightblade/customizepics/charup2.bmp   86
nightblade/customizepics/chest.bmp   86
nightblade/customizepics/circle.bmp   86
nightblade/customizepics/conv.bat   68
nightblade/customizepics/converter.cpp   2325
nightblade/customizepics/converter.exe   122368
nightblade/customizepics/cross.bmp   86
nightblade/customizepics/fountain.bmp   86
nightblade/customizepics/fountain.txt   70
nightblade/customizepics/menucursor.bmp   86
nightblade/customizepics/menucursor2.bmp   86
nightblade/customizepics/Readme.txt   384
nightblade/customizepics/savespot.bmp   86
nightblade/customizepics/snaketype.bmp   86
nightblade/customizepics/tree.bmp   86
nightblade/desert.JPG   132867
nightblade/levelgen/levelgen.exe   32768
nightblade/levelgen/levelgen.frm   48065
nightblade/levelgen/levelgen.frx   181
nightblade/levelgen/levelgen.vbp   686
nightblade/levelgen/levelgen.vbw   52
nightblade/levelup.GIF   5322
nightblade/levelup.JPG   136041
nightblade/NIGHT.8XP   22992
nightblade/night.z80   156364
nightblade/nightmanual.doc   31232
nightblade/palacepic.GIF   4243
nightblade/palacepic.JPG   117430
nightblade/skillpic.JPG   136940

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