Austron 2.0 Gold edition! The best chatbot for v200!!!
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Austron 2.0 Gold edition! The best chatbot for v200!!!
Finally!!! Its the Fourth update of Austron! The ultimate example of BASIC programming technology, pushing the language to its limits! Finally, an intelligent chatterbot for the Voyage 200/TI 92 plus! His name is Austron is even more intelligent. He now supports individual word text recognition!!! in the sentance, "do you like the simpsons" he will search out the word "simpsons" and "do" to come up with an answer!!! He has over 200 responses for over 300 questions! if he doesnt understand your question, he will do his best to fighur it out by deconstructing it and looking for key words, and if that doesn't work, he will try to come up with a fake answer, a humerous question, or a conversation starter. He has over 100 slots of memory, so he can bring up old topics to start a conversation. He will answer to words, frases, even whole sentances. He can even correct grammar and spelling!. He knows the answer to almost any math problem, and has a built in random number generator just for fun! Austron also has a primative help function with a few basic commands, like calculator mode. He can also speek a few words of spanish. Austron is the combination of the tecniques used in the chatterbots Eliza, Cybelle, and billy. Combined with these and my own ideas, Austron has become the ultimate humorous and serious chatbot. Truely, this is the ultimate basic chatbot. I am sorry for the delay, but i had some trouble with my account, but keep looking for later versions. Look out for some great new features in version 2.1 Gold Edition (coming soon!). PS PLEASE!!! E-mail me if you have any comments! PPS Sorry for the latness of the update!
austin granger (
Voyage 200 BASIC Misc. Programs
File Size
12,119 bytes
File Date and Time
Tue Sep 6 17:53:42 2005
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Archive Contents
main.austron.v2p | 4017 |
main.chatbot.v2p | 26889 |
readme.txt | 3961 |