TilEm 2.0
Ranked as 69 on our all-time top downloads list with 93711 downloads. Ranked as 1189 on our top downloads list for the past seven days with 9 downloads. Ranked as 603 on our top rated list with a weighted average of 6.84.
tilemwin32bin.zip (Download)
TilEm 2.0
TilEm is an emulator for the Z80-based calculator models (TI-73 through TI-86.) It features highly detailed hardware emulation; sending/receiving programs, variables, and applications; grayscale emulation; saving screenshots; a debugger for assembly programming; and more. This version has a new and improved user interface, as well as many improvements to the hardware emulation (notably, the TI-81 is now supported.) See the project website at http://lpg.ticalc.org/prj_tilem/ for more information.
Benjamin Moody (floppus@gmail.com) Solignac Julien (x1cygnus@xcalc.org) Thibault Duponchelle (t.duponchelle@gmail.com)
Windows Utilities
File Size
5,276,055 bytes
File Date and Time
Sun Jun 17 17:59:28 2012
Documentation Included?
Source Code Included?
Review by
Mr. Kimura
Reviewed on
Note! This review was written for a previous version of this file!
Good Things: All of you TI-84+/SE users who just can't find a good emulator for your calc, look no further. The setup is relatively easy (although it is explained horribly in the readme) and all you need is a ROM image, which isn't very hard to obtain. You can also "save your state" which is very helpful because if the image crashes, you just "reload state" and it's all back to normal.
Bad Things: It has very few bugs, but enough to annoy you now and then. Also, it's a little hard to control the image and the "toggle speed" feature occasionally messes up the image.
Overall I'd give an 9/10. "TilEm" is good, but not perfect. |
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