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Age xe^2 version 1.97


Ranked as 28022 on our all-time top downloads list with 2092 downloads.
Ranked as 14989 on our top downloads list for the past seven days with 1 downloads.

Filename age2ex3.zip (Download)
Title Age xe^2 version 1.97
Description This can do everything that previous versions have done: calculate age on all planets, in yrs, months, days, hrs, mins, and seconds, store 332 names, sort, etc. Now it is smaller, more efficient, and simpler. There is no installer needed for this version, and it is independent of codex.
Author Rick Spoketire (gimgimno0@gmail.com)
Category TI-83/84 Plus BASIC Misc. Programs (Time)
File Size 18,087 bytes
File Date and Time Thu Jun 23 23:27:56 2005
Documentation Included? Yes


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Archive Contents
Name Size
v1.95 OLD VERSION/age xe^2+1.95 main prgm.8xp   3062
v1.95 OLD VERSION/AGEXe^2.txt   21398
v1.95 OLD VERSION/alpha value.8xp   277
v1.95 OLD VERSION/CODEX.8xp   908
v1.95 OLD VERSION/installer-run 1st.8xp   176
v1.95 OLD VERSION/smaller vers. of 1.95 no installer.8xp   2522
v1.95 OLD VERSION/swap.8xp   421
main prgm v1.97.8xp   2520
age xe^2.txt   17006
alpha value.8xp   277
swap.8xp   421

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