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Ranked as 17504 on our all-time top downloads list with 3249 downloads.

Filename fishtank.zip (Download)
Title FishTank
Description FIXED, Version 1.1: Only one program now, absolutely no slowdown (or program fatigue), list errors fixed, numerous other smaller errors fixed completely. Program is also 300 bytes smaller in total. Note: You need a TI 84+ to play as the clock function is used heavily. This game is not so much a game as it is a simulation. Actually it’s not really a simulation either. What it is is a fish. A fish which you name and maintain that swims around on screen. As enthralling as this sounds, it is actually pretty neat. Every single person who has seen this program actually likes it. They like it a lot. It is simply a fish swimming around, but it is really cute and fun. Just give it a try. Again: You need a TI 84+ to play this “game.” We’ve worked on this program for about 80 hours now (all 5 of us together), which isn’t too much. But we think this program, once you’ve played it, will stay on your calc for a long time. Lastly, this game is compatible with Mirage, which means that you don’t need to use the RAM at all. Plus, all the pics are archived, so this program uses literally about 100 Bytes of RAM, just for the list. Thanks. The APG
Author Andrew Lundeen (bigalthethird@yahoo.com)
Category TI-83/84 Plus BASIC Games (Misc./Amusements, Toys)
File Size 23,918 bytes
File Date and Time Wed Jun 1 01:26:19 2005
Documentation Included? Yes



Review by  Marc Olburg
Reviewed on 2008-08-27
This program is exactly what it says it is, a FishTank simulator! But it's fantastic – that video is what this game is. It's far better than you can imagine.

I first downloaded this game a few years back, but I just tried it again, and WOW it's impressive! This isn't so much a game as it is a technical showoff – the fact that it's written in Basic makes it that much more impressive. And it's not so much that it's a deep program in terms of actual content, but it's the side stuff that's cool.

For instance, the little bubbles that come out of the tank. How when you wash the tank, you can see a clock on the wall (while your fish swims around in a bag on the counter). And the clock works (assuming your TI-84 clock is right)!!! How the game saves your best fish's longest life. So if you keep a fish alive for 6 months, that fish's name will always be in your calc (at least until you beat the 6 month record). I could go on and on. This program is INCREDIBLY well detailed.

1. Are there features that enhance the program? Lack of features?

Many features, such as the ones I mentioned. The way the internal clock is used is incredible.

2. How easy is the program to operate? User friendly?

You put in your fish's name (using an awesome name entry system, btw), and watch it swim! Feed it every day and wash its tank once a while, and it'll live.

3. If it's a recently added program, what would you like to see changed, added or removed?

I would like to see the pictures all removed, but they're archived. Matter of fact, through Mirage the game only takes up as much memory as one pic (it archives pictures until it needs them).

4. As far as TI calculators goes, is this program original?

Absolutely - you won't find a program like this, and if you did, this one would be better.

5. Who would you recommend the program to?


6. If you know much about the source, did the program use the resources of the calculator to the fullest?

Like I said, this is more of a technical marvel than anything. I think the programmer could use this thing on a resume, it's that good.

7. Personal opinions! What do you think of the program?

I think I covered that. Good luck guys!


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Archive Contents
Name Size
FishTank/Fish Tank Version History.doc   24064
FishTank/FishTank readme.doc   43520
FishTank/Non-Grouped/FISH.8xl   166
FishTank/Non-Grouped/NEWFISHTANK.8xp   5575
FishTank/Non-Grouped/Pic0.8xi   844
FishTank/Non-Grouped/Pic1.8xi   844
FishTank/Non-Grouped/Pic2.8xi   844
FishTank/Non-Grouped/Pic3.8xi   844
FishTank/Non-Grouped/Pic4.8xi   844
FishTank/Non-Grouped/Pic5.8xi   832
FishTank/Non-Grouped/Pic6.8xi   844
FishTank/Non-Grouped/Pic7.8xi   844
FishTank/Non-Grouped/Pic8.8xi   844
FishTank/Non-Grouped/Pic9.8xi   844

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