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High Dive simulator (IMP year 4)


Ranked as 28780 on our all-time top downloads list with 2009 downloads.
Ranked as 4514 on our top downloads list for the past seven days with 3 downloads.

Filename highdive.zip (Download)
Title High Dive simulator (IMP year 4)
Description This is a group of programs that simulate the High Dive section from the Interactive math program year 4. It simulates the diver falling of the ferris wheel. You can set the time for one revolution of the ferris wheel to alter the speed of release.
Author Tanmay Mishra (tmishra2003@gmail.com)
Category TI-83/84 Plus BASIC Math Programs (Misc.)
File Size 31,015 bytes
File Date and Time Sun May 22 21:56:18 2005
Documentation Included? No



Review by  Bill Roberts
Reviewed on 2005-08-19
In my opinion, “High Dive Simulator” is well prepared and original. It is quite easy to operate, because the controls are listed on the welcome screen. It does contain many features, but it lacks the cart part of the problem, where the diver must fall into the cart. I guess the reason for its lacking is because it would slow down the program. This program is definitely recommended for anybody who is using this math text.

Graphics: 9/10 – it’s basic
Originality: 10/10
Efficiency: 8/10
Features: 9/10 - no cart simulation
Overall: 9/10 - a nice program for class and for the teacher to work with.


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Archive Contents
Name Size
Highdive/HIGHDIVE.8xg   2157
Highdive/Readme.txt   602
Highdive/screenshots/CUSTOM POINT.GIF   2355
Highdive/screenshots/FALLING OFF.GIF   1755
Highdive/screenshots/FERRIS WHEEL.GIF   1856
Highdive/screenshots/Thumbs.db   32256
Highdive/screenshots/TITLE SCREEN.GIF   2545

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