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SquirrelBox 1.5


Ranked as 7878 on our all-time top downloads list with 5548 downloads.
Ranked as 2357 on our top downloads list for the past seven days with 5 downloads.
Ranked as 632 on our top rated list with a weighted average of 6.48.

Filename squirrelbox.zip (Download)
Title SquirrelBox 1.5
Description SquirrelBox is a compiler for the Antidisassemblage programming language that I designed to make programming for TI calcs easier. This update includes a couple important fixes (apparently the last versions had problems with "IF" and "GOTO" statements, but it's all better now).
Author Dan Cook (dcook1021@gmail.com)
Category Windows Assembly Utilities
File Size 632,542 bytes
File Date and Time Sat Jun 9 19:21:28 2007
Documentation Included? No
Source Code Included? No



Review by  Steven Ford
Reviewed on 2006-03-25
Note! This review was written for a previous version of this file!

I decided to download "SquirrelBox" after seeing the reviews. It was great. Although not a complete programming language, it is an absolute alternative to all-out assembly programming. The download only comes with basic functions, but writing new ones is easy. I must honestly say that if you have knowledge of assembly, but think it is too tedious to write programs in it, you should download this. Writing macros (functions) is very easy and effective. If you don't know any assembly, and are looking for an alternative to ASM, I would not recommend this to you, but if ASM is just too tedious, this will work great.

See 3 more reviews


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Archive Contents
Name Size
src/HLz80.java   1918
src/HLz80classes.java   26425
src/HLz80compiler.java   58665
src/HLz80gui.java   28971
Tutorials/0. START HERE & ToC.txt   14987
Tutorials/1. Getting started.txt   22760
Tutorials/2. Data manipulation.txt   23642
Tutorials/3. Control structures.txt   11764
Tutorials/4. Functions.txt   13906
Tutorials/5. Indirection.txt   6058
Tutorials/6. Advanced Background stuff.txt   15940
Tasm32.zip   343440
Squirrel2.GIF   34635
Squirrel3.GIF   2620
ads.ico   6174
Squirrel.ico   12344
gpl.txt   18009
READ THIS FIRST!!.txt   2365
classes/About.GIF   889
classes/ads.GIF   884
classes/calc.GIF   846
classes/Close All.GIF   892
classes/Close.GIF   884
classes/Compile.GIF   889
classes/CompileError.class   197
classes/Context.class   1990
classes/Exit.GIF   942
classes/function.class   2391
classes/gpl.txt   18009
classes/HLz80.class   1360
classes/HLz80.htm   167
classes/HLz80compiler$1.class   591
classes/HLz80compiler.class   32465
classes/HLz80gui$1.class   756
classes/HLz80gui$2.class   794
classes/HLz80gui$3.class   769
classes/HLz80gui.class   20097
classes/New.GIF   863
classes/Open.GIF   880
classes/Parser.class   7285
classes/Preprocessor.class   8952
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classes/Programs/ti83plus.ads   179
classes/Result.class   4800
classes/Save All.GIF   907
classes/Save.GIF   883
classes/Squirrel.gif   1758
classes/SquirrelBox 1.5.jar   48381
classes/SquirrelBox.bat   373
classes/SquirrelBox.GIF   8001
classes/SquirrelBox.htm   169
classes/Stop.GIF   880
classes/StopCompiling.class   198
classes/Thumbs.db   12800
classes/txt.GIF   872
classes/Type.class   1468
classes/utils.class   1604
classes/variable.class   960
classes/z80.GIF   865
Squirrel1.GIF   23715

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