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Assembly Studio for MVS


Ranked as 22795 on our all-time top downloads list with 2638 downloads.

Filename guiasm.zip (Download)
Title Assembly Studio for MVS
Description Assembly Studio for MVS is a useful tool for mainframe system programmers. Using a handheld device such as a TI-92 or TI-89, they can disassemble machine code on the field or assemble MVS instructions when needed, without using IBM's Reference Summary. Interpreting dumps is made easier by using this tool.
Author Frédéric Brown (brown.frede@gmail.com)
Category TI-89 Assembly Misc. Programs
File Size 246,877 bytes
File Date and Time Wed Apr 20 03:16:22 2005
Documentation Included? No
Source Code Included? Yes



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Archive Contents
Name Size
bin/Guiasm.89y   21644
bin/Guiasm.89z   1159
bin/Guiasm.9xy   21644
bin/Guiasm.9xz   1159
bin/Guiasm.v2y   21644
licence_GPL.txt   18353
Readme.txt   1978
scr/Disasm.h   998
scr/DisASM.java   8177
scr/Format.java   1269
scr/FormatRR0.java   2841
scr/FormatRR1.java   1913
scr/FormatRS0.java   2779
scr/FormatRS1.java   2488
scr/FormatRS2.java   2686
scr/FormatRX0.java   4016
scr/FormatSI0.java   2630
scr/FormatSS0.java   3079
scr/FormatSS1.java   3350
scr/FrameAbout.java   2272
scr/FrameASM.java   3263
scr/GuiASM.java   6800
scr/Tigcc/default.h   27360
scr/Tigcc/Disasm.h   996
scr/Tigcc/features.h   34879
scr/Tigcc/File.h   1235
scr/Tigcc/Guiasm.c   16217
scr/Tigcc/Guiasm.o   99323
scr/Tigcc/GuiASM.tpr   2958
scr/Tigcc/Guiasm.v2z   1159
scr/Tigcc/Interrupt.h   1577
scr/Tigcc/Keyboard.h   1002
scr/Tigcc/moka.event.h   2091
scr/Tigcc/moka.io.h   8589
scr/Tigcc/moka.lang.h   6050
scr/Tigcc/moka.util.h   3845
scr/Tigcc/moka.x.h   54311
scr/Tigcc/packages.h   6847
scr/Tigcc/Rowread.h   5527
scr/Tigcc/System.h   3148
scr/Tigcc/Tbutton.h   4626
scr/Tigcc/TCaptioned.h   1240
scr/Tigcc/TCaptionedComponent.h   4541
scr/Tigcc/TCharacter.h   6048
scr/Tigcc/Tcolor.h   1172
scr/Tigcc/Tcolored.h   1234
scr/Tigcc/TComponent.h   8171
scr/Tigcc/TContainer.h   9708
scr/Tigcc/Tdisasm.h   8074
scr/Tigcc/Tdouble.h   2944
scr/Tigcc/Tentry.h   1563
scr/Tigcc/TEnumeration.h   1355
scr/Tigcc/TEventListener.h   1997
scr/Tigcc/Tfile.h   7569
scr/Tigcc/Tfont.h   1171
scr/Tigcc/Tformat.h   1818
scr/Tigcc/TFormatRR0.h   4320
scr/Tigcc/TFormatRR1.h   3210
scr/Tigcc/TFormatRS0.h   4652
scr/Tigcc/TFormatRS1.h   4244
scr/Tigcc/TFormatRS2.h   4580
scr/Tigcc/TFormatRX0.h   5889
scr/Tigcc/TFormatSI0.h   4312
scr/Tigcc/TFormatSS0.h   5099
scr/Tigcc/TFormatSS1.h   5583
scr/Tigcc/Tframe.h   11830
scr/Tigcc/TFrameAbout.h   5548
scr/Tigcc/TFrameASM.h   7229
scr/Tigcc/Tgem.h   18577
scr/Tigcc/Tguiasm.h   11947
scr/Tigcc/Tinteger.h   2392
scr/Tigcc/TInterrupt.h   3217
scr/Tigcc/TIOStream.h   2896
scr/Tigcc/TKeyboard.h   1570
scr/Tigcc/Tlabel.h   4628
scr/Tigcc/Tlong.h   2302
scr/Tigcc/Tmenu.h   9429
scr/Tigcc/Tmenubar.h   4799
scr/Tigcc/TMenuItem.h   2780
scr/Tigcc/Tobject.h   3312
scr/Tigcc/TOptionPane.h   9980
scr/Tigcc/Trowread.h   1945
scr/Tigcc/TSerializable.h   1311
scr/Tigcc/Tstring.h   11683
scr/Tigcc/TStringTokenizer.h   5436
scr/Tigcc/Tstyle.h   1173
scr/Tigcc/Tstyled.h   1231
scr/Tigcc/Tsystem.h   1560
scr/Tigcc/TTextArea.h   21691
scr/Tigcc/TTextField.h   8604
scr/Tigcc/Ttimer.h   1757
scr/Tigcc/Tvector.h   5690

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