Scorch v. 1.3
Ranked as 2802 on our all-time top downloads list with 9341 downloads. Ranked as 4273 on our top downloads list for the past seven days with 6 downloads. Ranked as 441 on our top rated list with a weighted average of 7.71.
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Scorch v. 1.3
This game is an adaption of the famous "Scorched Earth" - the mother of all games. Try it out: It's a COMPLETE-version and you'll have fun, a lot of fun. There's a lot of new stuff. ENJOY IT! FEATURES: for all 68k-calculators (89/89ti/92+/v200), grayscale graphics, nice menus, 6 ai-levels, 7 choosable tanks, 14 weapons, 4 armors, up to 5 players (human or computer), various and funny settings and ... ... A LOT OF NOSTALGIA!
Martin Huber (
TI-89 Assembly Games (Strategy)
File Size
249,060 bytes
File Date and Time
Sat Nov 5 16:30:52 2005
Documentation Included?
Source Code Included?
Review by
Eric Peng
Reviewed on
Scorch is a nice program, which is a take-off of a rather famous flash game called "Tanks," a free internet game. The program is very user-friendly and there is a multitude of options: up to 5 players, up to 99 rounds, etc. The only thing I would say is wrong with it is the fact that the game is completely rigged for the first player to win. For this, I absolutely detest this game. Not to be boastful, but I am well versed in the art of the game "Tanks." The fact that I lost 7 rounds in a row, as the second player, and the fact that my baby missiles do less damage than my opponent's, along with the fact that even when my opponent completely missed my tank, I was damaged by the baby missile, and the fact that when my extended MIRV (for crying out loud) landed right on my opponents tank, blew up and did nothing, while my opponent had a normal amount of shields, all factor into my point. As nice as the graphics and basically everything else are, the game is rigged and caused a competitive person much grief; after I've endured a lot I must give this a 0/10. Don't get this game. It's a waste of effort and time. |
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Archive Contents
Scorch13/GPL.txt | 15387 |
Scorch13/ReadMe13.txt | 6248 |
Scorch13/Screenshots/SCREEN_1.GIF | 1729 |
Scorch13/Screenshots/SCREEN_2.GIF | 936 |
Scorch13/Screenshots/SCREEN_3.GIF | 1494 |
Scorch13/Screenshots/SCREEN_FILM.GIF | 25030 |
Scorch13/Source/Ai13.c | 7868 |
Scorch13/Source/bg_big13.h | 26036 |
Scorch13/Source/bg_small13.h | 13678 |
Scorch13/Source/boolsoft.h | 2230 |
Scorch13/Source/data13.h | 8751 |
Scorch13/Source/definitions13.h | 5898 |
Scorch13/Source/Extern13.c | 12681 |
Scorch13/Source/extgraph.a | 368164 |
Scorch13/Source/extgraph.h | 113880 |
Scorch13/Source/functions13.h | 4762 |
Scorch13/Source/Gamefunc13.c | 38212 |
Scorch13/Source/Gui13.c | 28137 |
Scorch13/Source/Input13.c | 4305 |
Scorch13/Source/Main13.c | 18981 |
Scorch13/Source/main-h13.h | 1897 |
Scorch13/Source/pixcollide8.s | 2647 |
Scorch13/Source/scorch13.tpr | 1744 |
Scorch13/Source/ToDo13.txt | 1838 |
Scorch13/TI89(Titanium)/scorch13.89y | 26536 |
Scorch13/TI89(Titanium)/scorch13.89z | 1095 |
Scorch13/TI92Plus/scorch13.9xy | 27484 |
Scorch13/TI92Plus/scorch13.9xz | 1095 |
Scorch13/Voyage 200/scorch13.v2y | 27484 |
Scorch13/Voyage 200/scorch13.v2z | 1095 |