Contra 83
Ranked as 159 on our all-time top downloads list with 51119 downloads. Ranked as 2592 on our top downloads list for the past seven days with 4 downloads. Ranked as 345 on our top rated list with a weighted average of 8.07.
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Contra 83
Contra 83 is one of the biggest achievements in pure BASIC. It is a remake of the classic NES game Contra, and is the most advanced BASIC platform game to date. The game has so many features including: 6 creative levels, 3 enemy types, weapon upgrades, 3 difficulty settings, a top 9 high score system (with antihack protection), advanced scoring, a boss at the end of each level that grows in size and strength, very fast game play, advanced terrain including landmines and water, and of course saving/loading (The game will also include a level editor once it is finished). Contra 83 is the true meaning of BASIC. It does not use 1 ASM utility and uses no outside engines or code, just strictly good old home fashioned BASIC. The game proves that BASIC has its power and that a game does not need ASM to be advanced. The game uses one of the most advanced engines ever using complex numbers and equations to generate real looking terrain, and an AI program that will not slow even if 1000 enemies were on a screen. Contra 83 is definitely worth the download. Check it out for yourself, and you will see what all the hype is about. Made by Bryan Thomas. Only from Outer Limit Software ( Consult the attached readme for all you questions. Thanks goes out to everyone that helped with this project.
Bryan Thomas (
TI-83/84 Plus BASIC Games (Arcade/Platform)
File Size
17,757 bytes
File Date and Time
Sat Jan 15 04:17:19 2005
Documentation Included?
Review by
Ashbad Alvin
Reviewed on
Graphics: 7/10
Ok, you're a small little guy thats 3 pixels by 4 pixels fighting enemies of equal size. The bosses are much larger than you, but they all look like an angry worm with guns (the last one looks like an extremely evil worm LOL)
Hackability: 3/10
Wow, this game is REALLY easy to hack. I know that the point its to keep it all BASIC using no ASM, but why not use just ONE asm program to create and update an appvar for saving? Those are a little harder to hack... slot 1 is at the last boss with 999 continues, 10 life medals and a gun range of 25! (and of course, my score is too big to even fit the screen :)
Fun: 8/10
Overall: 7.5/10
To many lists I have to delete too often, but moderately fun. |
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