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the Crap Interpretter


Ranked as 28448 on our all-time top downloads list with 2045 downloads.
Ranked as 18653 on our top downloads list for the past seven days with 2 downloads.

Filename crapinterpretter.zip (Download)
Title the Crap Interpretter
Description name implies nothing other than that it is sort of a crappy idea/program..but, here it is: It is like another programming language. It runs "programs" stored in L1 (List-1), which are all numeric based. There are 39 instructions. There are 16 numeric variables and 4 string varaibles that can be manipulated, and also the suppost of subroutines; just have a look to see what I mean...just that I was able to make programming language in BASIC is kinda cool. It is slow and limited, but still an accomplishment I guess :-D
Author Dan Cook (dcook1021@gmail.com)
Category TI-83/84 Plus BASIC Misc. Programs (Development Tools)
File Size 15,040 bytes
File Date and Time Sat Nov 20 23:58:47 2004
Documentation Included? Yes


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Archive Contents
Name Size
CRP5.8xp   123
CRP6.8xp   123
CRPLNCHR.8xp   267
CRP1.8xp   281
CRP2.8xp   327
CRP3.8xp   195
CRP4.8xp   325
Source/prgmCRP1.txt   417
Source/prgmCRP2.txt   444
Source/prgmCRP3.txt   235
Source/prgmCRP4.txt   759
Source/prgmCRP5.txt   82
Source/prgmCRP6.txt   82
Example.8xl   382
Source/prgmCRAP.txt   1943
CRAP.8xp   718
CRPEDIT.8xp   1291
Readme.txt   3901
Tables.txt   5555
Usage.txt   11257

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