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Ranked as 2787 on our all-time top downloads list with 9398 downloads.
Ranked as 8122 on our top downloads list for the past seven days with 1 downloads.
Ranked as 349 on our top rated list with a weighted average of 8.05.

Filename nebulus.zip (Download)
Title Nebulus
Description Pogo is a demolition worker. He does drive a JCB submarine and leaps around a lot. The reason for this is that he lives on the planet Nebulus, a planet with loads of water. Now, some naughty so-and-so has been building big towers in the sea! These towers are a bit of an eyesore to tell the truth, not to mention the distress they cause the fish. Someone must be found to destroy the towers and return the seas of Nebulus to normal. The head of Destructo Inc (Pogo's boss) volunteers… Pogo.
Author Geoffrey Anneheim (geoffrey.anneheim@free.fr)
Category TI-89 Assembly Games (Arcade/Platform)
File Size 426,033 bytes
File Date and Time Thu Jul 1 22:53:57 2004
Documentation Included? Yes
Source Code Included? No



Review by  Nathan Dykhuis
Reviewed on 2004-10-11
“Nebulus” is an exceptional game for 89. Most outstanding are the graphics. The grayscale is great, and the creators did a good job showing the rotating tower. The gameplay is good, though slightly lacking in action at times. One amusing feature is the sound, which can be heard by plugging a $4 adaptor into the 89's link port. I enjoy the theme music and sound effects. The difficulty is fine; it’s not too easy, but not unbeatable.

Overall, this gets at least 9.5.


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Archive Contents
Name Size
nebulus/V200/Data Files/neb_gfx2.v2y   20144
nebulus/V200/Data Files/neb_gfx.v2y   65168
nebulus/V200/Data Files/neb_map.v2y   11048
nebulus/V200/Data Files/neb_snd.v2y   20219
nebulus/V200/nebulus.v2y   27524
nebulus/V200/nebulus.v2z   1786
nebulus/TI92+/Data Files/neb_snd.9xy   20219
nebulus/TI92+/Data Files/neb_gfx2.9xy   20144
nebulus/TI92+/Data Files/neb_gfx.9xy   65168
nebulus/TI92+/Data Files/neb_map.9xy   11048
nebulus/TI92+/nebulus.9xz   1786
nebulus/TI92+/nebulus.9xy   27524
nebulus/TI89/nebulus-Titanium.89z   1827
nebulus/TI89/nebulus.89y   27524
nebulus/TI89/nebulus.89z   1786
nebulus/TI89/Data Files/neb_gfx.89y   65168
nebulus/TI89/Data Files/neb_map.89y   11048
nebulus/TI89/Data Files/neb_snd.89y   20219
nebulus/TI89/Data Files/neb_gfx2.89y   20144
nebulus/Screens/titre.gif   5494
nebulus/Screens/Thumbs.db   163840
nebulus/Screens/picture1.gif   3869
nebulus/Screens/picture6.gif   4357
nebulus/Screens/picture9.gif   5699
nebulus/Screens/picture8.gif   6488
nebulus/Screens/picture2.gif   3830
nebulus/Screens/picture3.gif   5012
nebulus/Screens/picture4.gif   4708
nebulus/Screens/picture5.gif   4011
nebulus/Screens/picture7.gif   4803
nebulus/readme.txt   6503

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