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Sketchy v1.08


Ranked as 788 on our all-time top downloads list with 20036 downloads.
Ranked as 8122 on our top downloads list for the past seven days with 1 downloads.
Ranked as 116 on our top rated list with a weighted average of 8.57.

Filename sketchy.zip (Download)
Title Sketchy v1.08
Description Sketchy is a flipbook animation program, which allows you to draw a series of slides and then animate them.
Authors Dan Englender (dan@calc.org)
Jared Hodges (hice.ticalc@umich.edu)
Category TI-83/84 Plus Flash Graphics Programs
File Size 34,054 bytes
File Date and Time Thu Mar 18 03:11:30 2004
Documentation Included? Yes
Source Code Included? No



Review by  Mike Slopsema
Reviewed on 2006-03-21
"Sketcy" is great as far as I am concerned, but there is one major problem that the author should serously consider fixing.

When you watch a premade flip-book, the program unarchives it and when you are done it does not re-archive it; if you try to watch another, the program comes up with a blurb saying "ERROR not enough RAM" and you have to go into you memory and re-archive the one that you watched. This problem is not the end of the world - "Sketchy" is still a good program.

Note to anyone that makes a flip book - keep the size under 19k, because people with a lot of programs don't have the RAM to run any that are bigger.

Graphics - 10/10 as good as the calculator
Memory - 7/10 it's an app, and doesn't re-archive things
Usage - 10/10 very fun
Overall - 9/10

See 4 more reviews


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Archive Contents
Name Size
sketchy.8xk   39316
readme.txt   784
Sketchy_Tutorial.doc   52224

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